2 research outputs found

    Automatizuotų transporto priemonių valdymas: civilinės atsakomybės reglamentavimas Europos Sąjungoje

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    The aim of this article is to provide with the option of civil liability regulation of connected autonomous vehicles (CAVs) and autonomous vehicles (AVs) at the European Union level in the light of introduction of Connected Automated Driving (CAD) on the common market.Å io straipsnio tikslas â€“ pasiÅ«lyti automatizuotų transporto priemonių (ATP) civilinÄ—s atsakomybÄ—s reglamentavimÄ… Europos SÄ…jungos dimensijoje atsižvelgiant į sukurtÄ… automatizuotų transporto priemonių valdymÄ… ES vidaus rinkoje

    Towards a Framework for Alignment Between Automotive Safety and Security Standards

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    Modern automotive systems increasingly rely on software and network connectivity for new functions and features. Security of the software and communications of the on-board system of systems becomes a critical concern for the safety of new generation vehicles. Besides methods and tools, safety and security of automotive systems requires frameworks of standards for holistic process and assurance. As a part of our ongoing work, this paper investigates the possibility of a combined safety and security approach to standards in the automotive domain. We examine existing approaches in the railway and avionics domain with similar challenges and identify speci c requirements for the automotive domain. We evaluate ISO 15408 as a potential candidate for a combined safety and security approach for complementing automotive safety standard ISO 26262, and discuss their points of alignment