85 research outputs found

    RowHammer: Reliability Analysis and Security Implications

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    As process technology scales down to smaller dimensions, DRAM chips become more vulnerable to disturbance, a phenomenon in which different DRAM cells interfere with each other's operation. For the first time in academic literature, our ISCA paper exposes the existence of disturbance errors in commodity DRAM chips that are sold and used today. We show that repeatedly reading from the same address could corrupt data in nearby addresses. More specifically: When a DRAM row is opened (i.e., activated) and closed (i.e., precharged) repeatedly (i.e., hammered), it can induce disturbance errors in adjacent DRAM rows. This failure mode is popularly called RowHammer. We tested 129 DRAM modules manufactured within the past six years (2008-2014) and found 110 of them to exhibit RowHammer disturbance errors, the earliest of which dates back to 2010. In particular, all modules from the past two years (2012-2013) were vulnerable, which implies that the errors are a recent phenomenon affecting more advanced generations of process technology. Importantly, disturbance errors pose an easily-exploitable security threat since they are a breach of memory protection, wherein accesses to one page (mapped to one row) modifies the data stored in another page (mapped to an adjacent row).Comment: This is the summary of the paper titled "Flipping Bits in Memory Without Accessing Them: An Experimental Study of DRAM Disturbance Errors" which appeared in ISCA in June 201

    Coordinate Channel-Aware Page Mapping Policy and Memory Scheduling for Reducing Memory Interference Among Multimedia Applications

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    "© 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permissíon from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertisíng or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works."[EN] In a modern multicore system, memory is shared among more and more concurrently running multimedia applications. Therefore, memory contention and interference are more andmore serious, inducing system performance degradation significantly, the performance degradation of each thread differently, unfairness in resource sharing, and priority inversion, even starvation. In this paper, we propose an approach of coordinating channel-aware page mapping policy and memory scheduling (CCPS) to reduce intermultimedia application interference in a memory system. The idea is to map the data of different threads to different channels, together with memory scheduling. The key principles of the policies of page mapping and memory scheduling are: 1) the memory address space, the thread priority, and the load balance; and 2) prioritizing a low-memory request thread, a row-buffer hit access, and an older request. We evaluate the CCPS on a variety of mixed single-thread and multithread benchmarks and system configurations, and we compare them with four previously proposed state-of-the-art interference-reducing policies. Experimental results demonstrate that the CCPS improves the performance while reducing the energy consumption significantly; moreover, the CCPS incurs a much lower hardware overhead than the current existing policies.This work was supported in part by the Qing Lan Project; by the National Science Foundation of China under Grant 61003077, Grant 61100193, and Grant 61401147; and by the Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation under Grant LQ14F020011.Jia, G.; Han, G.; Li, A.; Lloret, J. (2017). Coordinate Channel-Aware Page Mapping Policy and Memory Scheduling for Reducing Memory Interference Among Multimedia Applications. IEEE Systems Journal. 11(4):2839-2851. https://doi.org/10.1109/JSYST.2015.2430522S2839285111

    DReAM: Dynamic Re-arrangement of Address Mapping to Improve the Performance of DRAMs

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    The initial location of data in DRAMs is determined and controlled by the 'address-mapping' and even modern memory controllers use a fixed and run-time-agnostic address mapping. On the other hand, the memory access pattern seen at the memory interface level will dynamically change at run-time. This dynamic nature of memory access pattern and the fixed behavior of address mapping process in DRAM controllers, implied by using a fixed address mapping scheme, means that DRAM performance cannot be exploited efficiently. DReAM is a novel hardware technique that can detect a workload-specific address mapping at run-time based on the application access pattern which improves the performance of DRAMs. The experimental results show that DReAM outperforms the best evaluated address mapping on average by 9%, for mapping-sensitive workloads, by 2% for mapping-insensitive workloads, and up to 28% across all the workloads. DReAM can be seen as an insurance policy capable of detecting which scenarios are not well served by the predefined address mapping