3 research outputs found

    Full-scale testing of a masonry building monitored with smart brick sensors

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    The seismic monitoring of masonry structures is especially challenging due to their brittle resistance behavior. A tailored sensing system could, in principle, help to detect and locate cracks and anticipate the risks of local and global collapses, allowing prompt interventions and ensuring users' safety. Unfortunately, off-the-shelf sensors do not meet the criteria that are needed for this purpose, due to their durability issues, costs and extensive maintenance requirements. As a possible solution for earthquake-induced damage detection and localization in masonry structures, the authors have recently introduced the novel sensing technology of "smart bricks", that are clay bricks with self-sensing capabilities, whose electromechanical properties have been already characterized in previous work. The bricks are fabricated by doping traditional clay with conductive stainless steel microfibers, enhancing the electrical sensitivity of the material to strain. If placed at key locations within the structure, this technology permits to detect and locate permanent changes in deformation under dead loading conditions, associated to a change in structural conditions following an earthquake. In this way, a quick post-earthquake assessment of the monitored structure can be achieved, at lower costs and with lower maintenance requirements in comparison to traditional sensors. In this paper, the authors further investigate the electro-mechanical behavior of smart bricks, with a specific attention to the fabrication of the electrodes, and exemplify their application for damage detection and localization in a full-scale shaking table test on a masonry building specimen. Experimental results show that smart bricks' outputs can effectively allow the detection of local permanent changes in deformation following a progressive damage, as also confirmed by a 3D finite element simulation carried out for validation purposes. Related video presentation available here

    Changing the approach to sustainable constructions: An adaptive mix-design calibration process for earth composite materials

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    One major drawback of excavation earth-based composite construction materials is the variability in excavation earth characteristics from site to site. This variability can affect certain physical properties, and, in turn, the design models used to create a structure. To solve this problem, a methodology has been developed to predict the physical properties of earth-based composites for any mix-design variation, which enables a robust structural design process. This new methodology has been tested for Shot-earth, a new class of earth-based composite material made using high rates of excavation earth, aggregates, and a low rate of stabilization if needed. Shot-earth is placed using a high-speed dry-mix process. The methodology was tested by preparing small, inexpensive specimens through a process that simulates the dry-process used to fabricate Shot-earth in the field. An adaptive technique, used in conjunction with the experimental methodology, allows for the identification of the variant of possible Shot-earth mix-designs that provides optimal physical properties for a specific project. This technique is potentially applicable to any type of earth-based composite. The proposed methodology’s reliability enables a fast and cost-effective detailing of Shot-earth constructions