26 research outputs found

    A Second look at Exponential and Cosine Step Sizes: Simplicity, Adaptivity, and Performance

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    Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is a popular tool in training large-scale machine learning models. Its performance, however, is highly variable, depending crucially on the choice of the step sizes. Accordingly, a variety of strategies for tuning the step sizes have been proposed, ranging from coordinate-wise approaches (a.k.a. ``adaptive'' step sizes) to sophisticated heuristics to change the step size in each iteration. In this paper, we study two step size schedules whose power has been repeatedly confirmed in practice: the exponential and the cosine step sizes. For the first time, we provide theoretical support for them proving convergence rates for smooth non-convex functions, with and without the Polyak-\L{}ojasiewicz (PL) condition. Moreover, we show the surprising property that these two strategies are \emph{adaptive} to the noise level in the stochastic gradients of PL functions. That is, contrary to polynomial step sizes, they achieve almost optimal performance without needing to know the noise level nor tuning their hyperparameters based on it. Finally, we conduct a fair and comprehensive empirical evaluation of real-world datasets with deep learning architectures. Results show that, even if only requiring at most two hyperparameters to tune, these two strategies best or match the performance of various finely-tuned state-of-the-art strategies

    STL-SGD: Speeding Up Local SGD with Stagewise Communication Period

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    Distributed parallel stochastic gradient descent algorithms are workhorses for large scale machine learning tasks. Among them, local stochastic gradient descent (Local SGD) has attracted significant attention due to its low communication complexity. Previous studies prove that the communication complexity of Local SGD with a fixed or an adaptive communication period is in the order of O(N32T12)O (N^{\frac{3}{2}} T^{\frac{1}{2}}) and O(N34T34)O (N^{\frac{3}{4}} T^{\frac{3}{4}}) when the data distributions on clients are identical (IID) or otherwise (Non-IID), where NN is the number of clients and TT is the number of iterations. In this paper, to accelerate the convergence by reducing the communication complexity, we propose \textit{ST}agewise \textit{L}ocal \textit{SGD} (STL-SGD), which increases the communication period gradually along with decreasing learning rate. We prove that STL-SGD can keep the same convergence rate and linear speedup as mini-batch SGD. In addition, as the benefit of increasing the communication period, when the objective is strongly convex or satisfies the Polyak-\L ojasiewicz condition, the communication complexity of STL-SGD is O(NlogT)O (N \log{T}) and O(N12T12)O (N^{\frac{1}{2}} T^{\frac{1}{2}}) for the IID case and the Non-IID case respectively, achieving significant improvements over Local SGD. Experiments on both convex and non-convex problems demonstrate the superior performance of STL-SGD.Comment: Accepted by AAAI202

    Adaptive Strategies in Non-convex Optimization

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    An algorithm is said to be adaptive to a certain parameter (of the problem) if it does not need a priori knowledge of such a parameter but performs competitively to those that know it. This dissertation presents our work on adaptive algorithms in following scenarios: 1. In the stochastic optimization setting, we only receive stochastic gradients and the level of noise in evaluating them greatly affects the convergence rate. Tuning is typically required when without prior knowledge of the noise scale in order to achieve the optimal rate. Considering this, we designed and analyzed noise-adaptive algorithms that can automatically ensure (near)-optimal rates under different noise scales without knowing it. 2. In training deep neural networks, the scales of gradient magnitudes in each coordinate can scatter across a very wide range unless normalization techniques, like BatchNorm, are employed. In such situations, algorithms not addressing this problem of gradient scales can behave very poorly. To mitigate this, we formally established the advantage of scale-free algorithms that adapt to the gradient scales and presented its real benefits in empirical experiments. 3. Traditional analyses in non-convex optimization typically rely on the smoothness assumption. Yet, this condition does not capture the properties of some deep learning objective functions, including the ones involving Long Short-Term Memory networks and Transformers. Instead, they satisfy a much more relaxed condition, with potentially unbounded smoothness. Under this condition, we show that a generalized SignSGD algorithm can theoretically match the best-known convergence rates obtained by SGD with gradient clipping but does not need explicit clipping at all, and it can empirically match the performance of Adam and beat others. Moreover, it can also be made to automatically adapt to the unknown relaxed smoothness.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2208.1119

    Attentional Biased Stochastic Gradient for Imbalanced Classification

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    In this paper, we present a simple yet effective method (ABSGD) for addressing the data imbalance issue in deep learning. Our method is a simple modification to momentum SGD where we leverage an attentional mechanism to assign an individual importance weight to each gradient in the mini-batch. Unlike many existing heuristic-driven methods for tackling data imbalance, our method is grounded in {\it theoretically justified distributionally robust optimization (DRO)}, which is guaranteed to converge to a stationary point of an information-regularized DRO problem. The individual-level weight of a sampled data is systematically proportional to the exponential of a scaled loss value of the data, where the scaling factor is interpreted as the regularization parameter in the framework of information-regularized DRO. Compared with existing class-level weighting schemes, our method can capture the diversity between individual examples within each class. Compared with existing individual-level weighting methods using meta-learning that require three backward propagations for computing mini-batch stochastic gradients, our method is more efficient with only one backward propagation at each iteration as in standard deep learning methods. To balance between the learning of feature extraction layers and the learning of the classifier layer, we employ a two-stage method that uses SGD for pretraining followed by ABSGD for learning a robust classifier and finetuning lower layers. Our empirical studies on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.Comment: 29pages, 10 figure