4 research outputs found

    Reflection on a collaborative teaching project about gender inequality : students learning by doing through transdisciplinarity

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    Abstract: This article reflects on a collaborative teaching and learning project that employed transdisciplinarity to guide the students’ learning experience and to expose them to different epistemologies. The departments of Digital Design and Strategic Communication at the University of Johannesburg in South Africa co-created and co- presented lectures on innovation aimed at bridging the divide between education and practice through participative collaborative learning. A key argument in this article is that to achieve learning through practice, multiple levels of knowing must be employed that transcend multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity, and emphasise a holistic solution-based outcome that could not be achieved otherwise. This is referred to as transdisciplinarity. From this perspective, students from two disciplines were tasked to conceptualise the social challenge of inequality in the workplace. The students needed to work together to develop communication strategies to tackle and propose solutions to their selected organisations’ poly-contextual gender inequality issues. This article is a retrospective evaluation of the project, showcasing how a multi-pronged assessment design allowed two educators to facilitate shared collaborative spaces and mediated engagement between students, and how their collaboration yielded creative and more sustainable solutions developed by the students

    Ettevõtete-ülikoolide koostöö riigi innovatioonisüsteemi kontekstis

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneDoktoritöö kolm empiirilist uuringut keskenduvad igaüks ettevõtete-ülikoolide koostöö erinevale osapoolele. Esimene uuring leiab vastuse küsimusele, millised ettevõtted teevad ülikoolidega koostööd, tegureid vaadeldakse eraldi nii kodu- kui välismaiste ülikoolide jaoks, lisaks võrreldakse koostöötegureid 14 Euroopa riigi lõikes. Teise uuringu keskmes on ettevõtete-ülikoolide koostöö toetamisele suunatud poliitikameetmed, mille ülesehitust võrreldakse 23 Euroopa riigi lõikes. Kolmas uuring analüüsib ettevõtlushariduse näitel erinevate õpetamismeetodite seost õpiväljunditega, mis peegeldavad teadmisi, oskusi ja suhtumist, mis toetavad ettevõtlusalast tegevust. Kõigi kolme uuringu tulemused viitavad riigi innovatsioonisüsteemi olulisusele ja näitavad, et ettevõtete-ülikoolide koostöö sõltub erinevaid koostöö osapooli ümbritsevast keskkonnast ehk kontekstist.The thesis consists of three empirical studies that are focusing on different participants of university-industry cooperation. Study 1 answers the question about which firms cooperate with universities, the determinants of cooperation are analysed separately for home and foreign universities. In addition, the results are compared across 14 European countries. Study 2 is devoted to policy measures that are meant for supporting university-industry cooperation. The design of these measures is compared across 23 European countries. In Study 3, different teaching methods in entrepreneurial education are compared in terms of their learning outcomes, which reflect the knowledge, skills and attitudes for supporting entrepreneurial activities. All three studies indicate the importance of the national innovation system and show that university-industry cooperation is dependent on the environment that is surrounding the participants of university-industry cooperation. In other words, all three studies emphasize the role played by the context

    Staff and Students Views on Industry-University Collaboration in Engineering

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    The university-learning environment in engineering is not sufficient for students to become engineers. The practical role of engineering is working on real world problems in an industry environment. Industry-university collaboration seems to be actively increasing in the development of engineering education in various parts of the globe. The close relationship between industry and university is a vital component of engineering pedagogy in Australia. This research paper is focuses on analyzing staff and students views on industry-university collaboration in engineering. The staff and students are playing vital role in industry-university collaboration. It is always worth analyzing staff and students’ views about their experience on industry-university collaboration. This research inclined to conduct a paper based survey with a cohort of students in second year undergraduate engineering course and also conduct face-to-face interview with staff members in the School of Engineering at Deakin University

    Staff and students views on industry-university collaboration in engineering

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    The university-learning environment in engineering is not sufficient for students to become engineers. The practical role of engineering is working on real world problems in an industry environment. Industry-university collaboration seems to be actively increasing in the development of engineering education in various parts of the globe. The close relationship between industry and university is a vital component of engineering pedagogy in Australia. This research paper is focuses on analyzing staff and students views on industry-university collaboration in engineering. The staff and students are playing vital role in industry-university collaboration. It is always worth analyzing staff and students’ views about their experience on industry-university collaboration. This research inclined to conduct a paper based survey with a cohort of students in second year undergraduate engineering course and also conduct face-to-face interview with staff members in the School of Engineering at Deakin University