4 research outputs found

    Stacked Thompson Bandits

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    We introduce Stacked Thompson Bandits (STB) for efficiently generating plans that are likely to satisfy a given bounded temporal logic requirement. STB uses a simulation for evaluation of plans, and takes a Bayesian approach to using the resulting information to guide its search. In particular, we show that stacking multiarmed bandits and using Thompson sampling to guide the action selection process for each bandit enables STB to generate plans that satisfy requirements with a high probability while only searching a fraction of the search space.Comment: Accepted at SEsCPS @ ICSE 201

    Memory Bounded Open-Loop Planning in Large POMDPs using Thompson Sampling

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    State-of-the-art approaches to partially observable planning like POMCP are based on stochastic tree search. While these approaches are computationally efficient, they may still construct search trees of considerable size, which could limit the performance due to restricted memory resources. In this paper, we propose Partially Observable Stacked Thompson Sampling (POSTS), a memory bounded approach to open-loop planning in large POMDPs, which optimizes a fixed size stack of Thompson Sampling bandits. We empirically evaluate POSTS in four large benchmark problems and compare its performance with different tree-based approaches. We show that POSTS achieves competitive performance compared to tree-based open-loop planning and offers a performance-memory tradeoff, making it suitable for partially observable planning with highly restricted computational and memory resources.Comment: Presented at AAAI 201

    Adaptive Thompson Sampling Stacks for Memory Bounded Open-Loop Planning

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    We propose Stable Yet Memory Bounded Open-Loop (SYMBOL) planning, a general memory bounded approach to partially observable open-loop planning. SYMBOL maintains an adaptive stack of Thompson Sampling bandits, whose size is bounded by the planning horizon and can be automatically adapted according to the underlying domain without any prior domain knowledge beyond a generative model. We empirically test SYMBOL in four large POMDP benchmark problems to demonstrate its effectiveness and robustness w.r.t. the choice of hyperparameters and evaluate its adaptive memory consumption. We also compare its performance with other open-loop planning algorithms and POMCP.Comment: Accepted at IJCAI 2019. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1905.0402

    Leveraging Statistical Multi-Agent Online Planning with Emergent Value Function Approximation

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    Making decisions is a great challenge in distributed autonomous environments due to enormous state spaces and uncertainty. Many online planning algorithms rely on statistical sampling to avoid searching the whole state space, while still being able to make acceptable decisions. However, planning often has to be performed under strict computational constraints making online planning in multi-agent systems highly limited, which could lead to poor system performance, especially in stochastic domains. In this paper, we propose Emergent Value function Approximation for Distributed Environments (EVADE), an approach to integrate global experience into multi-agent online planning in stochastic domains to consider global effects during local planning. For this purpose, a value function is approximated online based on the emergent system behaviour by using methods of reinforcement learning. We empirically evaluated EVADE with two statistical multi-agent online planning algorithms in a highly complex and stochastic smart factory environment, where multiple agents need to process various items at a shared set of machines. Our experiments show that EVADE can effectively improve the performance of multi-agent online planning while offering efficiency w.r.t. the breadth and depth of the planning process.Comment: Accepted at AAMAS 201