598 research outputs found

    Graphs, permutations and topological groups

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    Various connections between the theory of permutation groups and the theory of topological groups are described. These connections are applied in permutation group theory and in the structure theory of topological groups. The first draft of these notes was written for lectures at the conference Totally disconnected groups, graphs and geometry in Blaubeuren, Germany, 2007.Comment: 39 pages (The statement of Krophollers conjecture (item 4.30) has been corrected

    Locally compact convergence groups and n-transitive actions

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    All sigma-compact, locally compact groups acting sharply n-transitively and continuously on compact spaces M have been classified, except for n=2,3 when M is infinite and disconnected. We show that no such actions exist for n=2 and that these actions for n=3 coincide with the action of a hyperbolic group on a space equivariantly homeomorphic to its hyperbolic boundary. We further give a characterization of non-compact groups acting 3-properly and transitively on infinite compact sets as non-elementary boundary transitive hyperbolic groups. The main tool is a generalization to locally compact groups of Bowditch's topological characterization of hyperbolic groups. Finally, in contrast to the case n=3, we show that for n>3, if a locally compact group acts continuously, n-properly and n-cocompactly on a locally connected metrizable compactum M, then M has a local cut point

    Cutting up graphs revisited - a short proof of Stallings' structure theorem

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    This is a new and short proof of the main theorem of classical structure tree theory. Namely, we show the existence of certain automorphism-invariant tree-decompositions of graphs based on the principle of removing finitely many edges. This was first done in "Cutting up graphs" by M.J. Dunwoody. The main ideas are based on the paper "Vertex cuts" by M.J. Dunwoody and the author. We extend the theorem to a detailed combinatorial proof of J.R. Stallings' theorem on the structure of finitely generated groups with more than one end.Comment: 12 page

    Indicability, residual finiteness, and simple subquotients of groups acting on trees

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    We establish three independent results on groups acting on trees. The first implies that a compactly generated locally compact group which acts continuously on a locally finite tree with nilpotent local action and no global fixed point is virtually indicable; that is to say, it has a finite index subgroup which surjects onto Z\mathbf{Z}. The second ensures that irreducible cocompact lattices in a product of non-discrete locally compact groups such that one of the factors acts vertex-transitively on a tree with a nilpotent local action cannot be residually finite. This is derived from a general result, of independent interest, on irreducible lattices in product groups. The third implies that every non-discrete Burger-Mozes universal group of automorphisms of a tree with an arbitrary prescribed local action admits a compactly generated closed subgroup with a non-discrete simple quotient. As applications, we answer a question of D. Wise by proving the non-residual finiteness of a certain lattice in a product of two regular trees, and we obtain a negative answer to a question of C. Reid, concerning the structure theory of locally compact groups