8,792 research outputs found

    Pointwise Green's function bounds and stability of relaxation shocks

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    We establish sharp pointwise Green's function bounds and consequent linearized and nonlinear stability for smooth traveling front solutions, or relaxation shocks, of general hyperbolic relaxation systems of dissipative type, under the necessary assumptions ([G,Z.1,Z.4]) of spectral stability, i.e., stable point spectrum of the linearized operator about the wave, and hyperbolic stability of the corresponding ideal shock of the associated equilibrium system. This yields, in particular, nonlinear stability of weak relaxation shocks of the discrete kinetic Jin--Xin and Broadwell models. The techniques of this paper should have further application in the closely related case of traveling waves of systems with partial viscosity, for example in compressible gas dynamics or MHD.Comment: 120 pages. Changes since original submission. Corrected typos, esp. energy estimates of Section 7, corrected bad forward references, expanded Remark 1.17, end of introductio

    Theorems on existence and global dynamics for the Einstein equations

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    This article is a guide to theorems on existence and global dynamics of solutions of the Einstein equations. It draws attention to open questions in the field. The local-in-time Cauchy problem, which is relatively well understood, is surveyed. Global results for solutions with various types of symmetry are discussed. A selection of results from Newtonian theory and special relativity that offer useful comparisons is presented. Treatments of global results in the case of small data and results on constructing spacetimes with prescribed singularity structure or late-time asymptotics are given. A conjectural picture of the asymptotic behaviour of general cosmological solutions of the Einstein equations is built up. Some miscellaneous topics connected with the main theme are collected in a separate section.Comment: Submitted to Living Reviews in Relativity, major update of Living Rev. Rel. 5 (2002)

    Pattern transition in spacecraft formation flying using bifurcating potential field

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    Many new and exciting space mission concepts have developed around spacecraft formation flying, allowing for autonomous distributed systems that can be robust, scalable and flexible. This paper considers the development of a new methodology for the control of multiple spacecraft. Based on the artificial potential function method, research in this area is extended by considering the new approach of using bifurcation theory as a means of controlling the transition between different formations. For real, safety or mission critical applications it is important to ensure that desired behaviours will occur. Through dynamical systems theory, this paper also aims to provide a step in replacing traditional algorithm validation with mathematical proof, supported through simulation. This is achieved by determining the non-linear stability properties of the system, thus proving the existence or not of desired behaviours. Practical considerations such as the issue of actuator saturation and communication limitations are addressed, with the development of a new bounded control law based on bifurcating potential fields providing the key contribution of this paper. To illustrate spacecraft formation flying using the new methodology formation patterns are considered in low-Earth-orbit utilising the Clohessy-Wiltshire relative linearised equations of motion. It is shown that a formation of spacecraft can be driven safely onto equally spaced projected circular orbits, autonomously reconfiguring between them, whilst satisfying constraints made regarding each spacecraft

    Computed Chaos or Numerical Errors

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    Discrete numerical methods with finite time-steps represent a practical technique to solve initial-value problems involving nonlinear differential equations. These methods seem particularly useful to the study of chaos since no analytical chaotic solution is currently available. Using the well-known Lorenz equations as an example, it is demonstrated that numerically computed results and their associated statistical properties are time-step dependent. There are two reasons for this behavior. First, chaotic differential equations are unstable so that any small error is amplified exponentially near an unstable manifold. The more serious and lesser-known reason is that stable and unstable manifolds of singular points associated with differential equations can form virtual separatrices. The existence of a virtual separatrix presents the possibility of a computed trajectory actually jumping through it due to the finite time-steps of discrete numerical methods. Such behavior violates the uniqueness theory of differential equations and amplifies the numerical errors explosively. These reasons imply that, even if computed results are bounded, their independence on time-step should be established before accepting them as useful numerical approximations to the true solution of the differential equations. However, due to these exponential and explosive amplifications of numerical errors, no computed chaotic solutions of differential equations independent of integration-time step have been found. Thus, reports of computed non-periodic solutions of chaotic differential equations are simply consequences of unstably amplified truncation errors, and are not approximate solutions of the associated differential equations.Comment: pages 24, Figures

    Analytical Proof of Space-Time Chaos in Ginzburg-Landau Equations

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    We prove that the attractor of the 1D quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation with a broken phase symmetry has strictly positive space-time entropy for an open set of parameter values. The result is obtained by studying chaotic oscillations in grids of weakly interacting solitons in a class of Ginzburg-Landau type equations. We provide an analytic proof for the existence of two-soliton configurations with chaotic temporal behavior, and construct solutions which are closed to a grid of such chaotic soliton pairs, with every pair in the grid well spatially separated from the neighboring ones for all time. The temporal evolution of the well-separated multi-soliton structures is described by a weakly coupled lattice dynamical system (LDS) for the coordinates and phases of the solitons. We develop a version of normal hyperbolicity theory for the weakly coupled LDSs with continuous time and establish for them the existence of space-time chaotic patterns similar to the Sinai-Bunimovich chaos in discrete-time LDSs. While the LDS part of the theory may be of independent interest, the main difficulty addressed in the paper concerns with lifting the space-time chaotic solutions of the LDS back to the initial PDE. The equations we consider here are space-time autonomous, i.e. we impose no spatial or temporal modulation which could prevent the individual solitons in the grid from drifting towards each other and destroying the well-separated grid structure in a finite time. We however manage to show that the set of space-time chaotic solutions for which the random soliton drift is arrested is large enough, so the corresponding space-time entropy is strictly positive

    Competition between stable equilibria in reaction-diffusion systems: the influence of mobility on dominance

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    This paper is concerned with reaction-diffusion systems of two symmetric species in spatial dimension one, having two stable symmetric equilibria connected by a symmetric standing front. The first order variation of the speed of this front when the symmetry is broken through a small perturbation of the diffusion coefficients is computed. This elementary computation relates to the question, arising from population dynamics, of the influence of mobility on dominance, in reaction-diffusion systems modelling the interaction of two competing species. It is applied to two examples. First a toy example, where it is shown that, depending on the value of a parameter, an increase of the mobility of one of the species may be either advantageous or disadvantageous for this species. Then the Lotka-Volterra competition model, in the bistable regime close to the onset of bistability, where it is shown that an increase of mobility is advantageous. Geometric interpretations of these results are given.Comment: 43 pages, 10 figure