15 research outputs found

    On global minimizers of repulsive-attractive power-law interaction energies

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    We consider the minimisation of power-law repulsive-attractive interaction energies which occur in many biological and physical situations. We show existence of global minimizers in the discrete setting and get bounds for their supports independently of the number of Dirac Deltas in certain range of exponents. These global discrete minimizers correspond to the stable spatial profiles of flock patterns in swarming models. Global minimizers of the continuum problem are obtained by compactness. We also illustrate our results through numerical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Explicit Equilibrium Solutions For the Aggregation Equation with Power-Law Potentials

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    Despite their wide presence in various models in the study of collective behaviors, explicit swarming patterns are difficult to obtain. In this paper, special stationary solutions of the aggregation equation with power-law kernels are constructed by inverting Fredholm integral operators or by employing certain integral identities. These solutions are expected to be the global energy stable equilibria and to characterize the generic behaviors of stationary solutions for more general interactions

    Existence of Compactly Supported Global Minimisers for the Interaction Energy

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    The existence of compactly supported global minimisers for continuum models of particles interacting through a potential is shown under almost optimal hypotheses. The main assumption on the potential is that it is catastrophic, or not H-stable, which is the complementary assumption to that in classical results on thermodynamic limits in statistical mechanics. The proof is based on a uniform control on the local mass around each point of the support of a global minimiser, together with an estimate on the size of the "gaps" it may have. The class of potentials for which we prove existence of global minimisers includes power-law potentials and, for some range of parameters, Morse potentials, widely used in applications. We also show that the support of local minimisers is compact under suitable assumptions.Comment: Final version after referee reports taken into accoun

    Dimensionality of Local Minimizers of the Interaction Energy

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    In this work we consider local minimizers (in the topology of transport distances) of the interaction energy associated to a repulsive-attractive potential. We show how the imensionality of the support of local minimizers is related to the repulsive strength of the potential at the origin.Comment: 27 page

    Equivalence of gradient flows and entropy solutions for singular nonlocal interaction equations in 1D

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    We prove the equivalence between the notion of Wasserstein gradient flow for a one-dimensional nonlocal transport PDE with attractive/repulsive Newtonian potential on one side, and the notion of entropy solution of a Burgers-type scalar conservation law on the other. The solution of the former is obtained by spatially differentiating the solution of the latter. The proof uses an intermediate step, namely the L2L^2 gradient flow of the pseudo-inverse distribution function of the gradient flow solution. We use this equivalence to provide a rigorous particle-system approximation to the Wasserstein gradient flow, avoiding the regularization effect due to the singularity in the repulsive kernel. The abstract particle method relies on the so-called wave-front-tracking algorithm for scalar conservation laws. Finally, we provide a characterization of the sub-differential of the functional involved in the Wasserstein gradient flow

    A primer of swarm equilibria

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    We study equilibrium configurations of swarming biological organisms subject to exogenous and pairwise endogenous forces. Beginning with a discrete dynamical model, we derive a variational description of the corresponding continuum population density. Equilibrium solutions are extrema of an energy functional, and satisfy a Fredholm integral equation. We find conditions for the extrema to be local minimizers, global minimizers, and minimizers with respect to infinitesimal Lagrangian displacements of mass. In one spatial dimension, for a variety of exogenous forces, endogenous forces, and domain configurations, we find exact analytical expressions for the equilibria. These agree closely with numerical simulations of the underlying discrete model.The exact solutions provide a sampling of the wide variety of equilibrium configurations possible within our general swarm modeling framework. The equilibria typically are compactly supported and may contain δ\delta-concentrations or jump discontinuities at the edge of the support. We apply our methods to a model of locust swarms, which are observed in nature to consist of a concentrated population on the ground separated from an airborne group. Our model can reproduce this configuration; quasi-two-dimensionality of the model plays a critical role.Comment: 38 pages, submitted to SIAM J. Appl. Dyn. Sy

    Convergence of a linearly transformed particle method for aggregation equations

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    We study a linearly transformed particle method for the aggregation equation with smooth or singular interaction forces. For the smooth interaction forces, we provide convergence estimates in L1L^1 and L∞L^\infty norms depending on the regularity of the initial data. Moreover, we give convergence estimates in bounded Lipschitz distance for measure valued solutions. For singular interaction forces, we establish the convergence of the error between the approximated and exact flows up to the existence time of the solutions in L1∩LpL^1 \cap L^p norm