9 research outputs found

    Stability number and f-factors in graphs

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    We present a new sufficient condition on stability number and toughness of the graph to have an f-factor

    Sufficient conditions for fractional [a,b]-deleted graphs

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    Let aa and bb be two positive integers with aba\leq b, and let GG be a graph with vertex set V(G)V(G) and edge set E(G)E(G). Let h:E(G)[0,1]h:E(G)\rightarrow[0,1] be a function. If aeEG(v)h(e)ba\leq\sum\limits_{e\in E_G(v)}{h(e)}\leq b holds for every vV(G)v\in V(G), then the subgraph of GG with vertex set V(G)V(G) and edge set FhF_h, denoted by G[Fh]G[F_h], is called a fractional [a,b][a,b]-factor of GG with indicator function hh, where EG(v)E_G(v) denotes the set of edges incident with vv in GG and Fh={eE(G):h(e)>0}F_h=\{e\in E(G):h(e)>0\}. A graph GG is defined as a fractional [a,b][a,b]-deleted graph if for any eE(G)e\in E(G), GeG-e contains a fractional [a,b][a,b]-factor. The size, spectral radius and signless Laplacian spectral radius of GG are denoted by e(G)e(G), ρ(G)\rho(G) and q(G)q(G), respectively. In this paper, we establish a lower bound on the size, spectral radius and signless Laplacian spectral radius of a graph GG to guarantee that GG is a fractional [a,b][a,b]-deleted graph.Comment: 1

    Spanning k-trees and distance spectral radius in graphs

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    Let k2k\geq2 be an integer. A tree TT is called a kk-tree if dT(v)kd_T(v)\leq k for each vV(T)v\in V(T), that is, the maximum degree of a kk-tree is at most kk. Let λ1(D(G))\lambda_1(D(G)) denote the distance spectral radius in GG, where D(G)D(G) denotes the distance matrix of GG. In this paper, we verify a upper bound for λ1(D(G))\lambda_1(D(G)) in a connected graph GG to guarantee the existence of a spanning kk-tree in GG.Comment: 11 page

    Signless Laplacian spectral radius for a k-extendable graph

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    Let kk and nn be two nonnegative integers with n0n\equiv0 (mod 2), and let GG be a graph of order nn with a 1-factor. Then GG is said to be kk-extendable for 0kn220\leq k\leq\frac{n-2}{2} if every matching in GG of size kk can be extended to a 1-factor. In this paper, we first establish a lower bound on the signless Laplacian spectral radius of GG to ensure that GG is kk-extendable. Then we create some extremal graphs to claim that all the bounds derived in this article are sharp.Comment: 11 page

    Connected factors in graphs - a survey

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