5 research outputs found

    Multi-Dimensional Uncertain Calculus with Liu Process

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    Abstract Uncertain calculus deals with the integral and differential of some uncertain processes. So far, uncertain integrals have been defined with respect to Liu process, renewal process, finite variation process, and multiple Liu processes. This paper presents an uncertain integral of a matrix of uncertain processes with respect to multi-dimensional Liu process, and verifies its linearity property. Then an uncertain differential of a multi-dimensional uncertain process with respect to a multi-dimensional Liu process is defined, and a fundamental theorem is derived. In addition, a concept of multi-dimensional uncertain differential equation is proposed, and solutions of some special types of multi-dimensional uncertain differential equations are given

    Fractional uncertain differential equations with general memory effects: Existences and alpha-path solutions

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    General fractional calculus is popular recently. Fractional uncertain differential equations (FUDEs) with general memory effects are proposed in this paper. Firstly, existence and uniqueness theorems of solution for general fractional uncertain differential equations (GFUDEs) is presented, and the analytic solution of a linear one is given. Then the concept of 伪-path is introduced, and relationship between solution of GFUDE and corresponding 伪-path is also discussed. In addition, a theorem is proved to obtain the expected value of a monotonic function related to solutions of GFUDEs. Finally, a numerical example is given to better understand the significance of general memory effects. This paper provides more types of FUDEs to better describe some phenomena in uncertain environments

    Implementaci贸n del m茅todo de Crank鈥擭icolson para resolver la ecuaci贸n unidimensional del calor con incertidumbre para estudiantes de cuarto semestre, carrera de Telecomunicaciones de la Escuela Superior Polit茅cnica de Chimborazo.

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    El objetivo fue implementar el m茅todo de Crank-Nicolson para la resoluci贸n de la ecuaci贸n unidimensional del calor con incertidumbre y mostrar este desarrollo a estudiantes de cuarto semestre de la Carrera de Telecomunicaciones de la Escuela Superior Polit茅cnica de Chimborazo. Metodol贸gicamente se realiz贸虂 un an谩lisis de los m茅todos de las diferencias finitas, de los elementos finitos y se puso de relieve al m茅todo de Euler, como una simplificaci贸n, y como un caso particular del m茅todo de diferencias finitas. Adicionalmente, se analiz贸虂 al m茅todo de Crank-Nicolson y se lo present贸 como una opci贸n viable para resolver el problema, resolviendo varios ejercicios de aplicaci贸n. Se profundiz贸 en el an谩lisis del m茅todo de diferencias finitas para que este estudio sirva de fundamento para la posterior comparaci贸n de las eficiencias de ambos m茅todos. Se realiz贸 el an谩lisis de errores concomitantes a la aplicaci贸n de los m茅todos num茅ricos y se analiz贸虂 la estabilidad de los m茅todos. Adem谩s, se utilizaron como par谩metros de comparaci贸n el tiempo necesario para el c谩lculo y el costo computacional de la implementaci贸n de los m茅todos num茅ricos. Se realiz贸 la difusi贸n de resultados y la socializaci贸n de la aplicaci贸n del m茅todo con estudiantes de cuarto semestre de la Carrera de Telecomunicaciones de la Escuela Superior Polit茅cnica de Chimborazo. Se presentaron los resultados de la encuesta de satisfacci贸n planteada al mencionado grupo de estudiantes y se demostr贸虂 la validez estad铆stica de los resultados, por medio del c谩lculo del Alfa de Cronbach y de un an谩lisis estad铆stico aplicando el software libre R.The objective was to implement the Crank-Nicolson method to resolve the one-dimensional heat equation with uncertainty and show this development to fourth-semester students of the Telecommunications Career of the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. Methodologically, an analysis of the finite difference methods of the finite elements was carried out, and Euler's method was highlighted as a simplification and as a particular case of the finite difference method. Additionally, the Crank-Nicolson method was analyzed and presented as a viable option to solve the problem, solving several application exercises. The analysis of the finite difference method was deepened so that this study serves as a foundation for the subsequent comparison of the efficiencies of both methods. The analysis of errors concomitant to the application of the numerical methods was carried out, and the stability of the methods was analyzed. In addition, the time required for the calculation and the computational cost of implementing the numerical methods were used as comparison parameters. The dissemination of results and the socialization of the application of the method with fourth-semester students of the Telecommunications Career of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo were carried out. The results of the satisfaction survey posed to the group mentioned above students were presented, and the statistical validity of the results was demonstrated using the calculation of Cronbach's Alpha and a statistical analysis applying the free software R

    Stability in p-th moment for uncertain differential equation

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