4 research outputs found

    Dynamical Models of Extreme Rolling of Vessels in Head Waves

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    Rolling of a ship is a swinging motion around its length axis. In particular vessels transporting containers may show large amplitude roll when sailing in seas with large head waves. The dynamics of the ship is such that rolling interacts with heave being the motion of the mass point of the ship in vertical direction. Due to the shape of the hull of the vessel its heave is influenced considerably by the phase of the wave as it passes the ship. The interaction of heave and roll can be modeled by a mass-spring-pendulum system. The effect of waves is then included in the system by a periodic forcing term. In first instance the damping of the spring can be taken infinitely large making the system a pendulum with an in vertical direction periodically moving suspension. For a small angular deflection the roll motion is then described by the Mathieu equation containing a periodic forcing. If the period of the solution of the equation without forcing is about twice the period of the forcing then the oscillation gets unstable and the amplitude starts to grow. After describing this model we turn to situation that the ship is not anymore statically fixed at the fluctuating water level. It may move up and down showing a motion modeled by a damped spring. One step further we also allow for pitch, a swinging motion around a horizontal axis perpendicular to the ship. It is recommended to investigate the way waves may directly drive this mode and to determine the amount of energy that flows along this path towards the roll mode. Since at sea waves are a superposition of waves with different wavelengths, we also pay attention to the properties of such a type of forcing containing stochastic elements. It is recommended that as a measure for the occurrence of large deflections of the roll angle one should take the expected time for which a given large deflection may occur instead of the mean amplitude of the deflection

    A compound double pendulum with friction

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    We study a version of the two-degree-of-freedom double pendulum in which the two point masses are replaced by rigid bodies of irregular shape and nonconservative forces are permitted. We derive the equations of motion by analysing the forces involved in the framework of screw theory. This distinguishes the work from similar studies in the literature, which typically consider a double pendulum composed with rods and assume equations of motion without derivation. The equations of motion are solved numerically using the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method to show that decreasing the friction of the axles can cause the trajectory of one of the pendulums to become aperiodic. The stability of steady state solutions is also analysed

    On the Motion of Harmonically Excited Spring Pendulum in Elliptic Path Near Resonances

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    The response of a nonlinear multidegrees of freedom (M-DOF) for a nature dynamical system represented by a spring pendulum which moves in an elliptic path is investigated. Lagrange’s equations are used in order to derive the governing equations of motion. One of the important perturbation techniques MS (multiple scales) is utilized to achieve the approximate analytical solutions of these equations and to identify the resonances of the system. Besides, the amplitude and the phase variables are renowned to study the steady-state solutions and to recognize their stability conditions. The time history for the attained solutions and the projections of the phase plane are presented to interpret the behavior of the dynamical system. The mentioned model is considered one of the important scientific applications like in instrumentation, addressing the oscillations occurring in sawing buildings and the most of various applications of pendulum dampers