2 research outputs found

    Nonlinear dynamical analysis of the physical processes in the environment

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    Ispitivan  je  spregnut  sistem  jednačina  za  prognozu  temperature  na površini  i  u  dubljem sloju zemljišta.  Računati  su  Ljapunovljevi eksponenti,  bifurkacioni dijagram, atraktor i analiziran je domen rešenja. Uvedene su nove informacione mere  bazirane na Kolmogorovljevoj kompleksnosti,  za kvantifikaciju  stepena nasumičnosti u vremenskim serijama,.  Nove mere su primenjene na razne serije dobijene merenjem fizičkih faktora životne sredine i pomoću klimatskih modela.Coupled system of prognostic equations for  the  ground surface temperature and  the deeper layer temperature was examind. Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation diagrams, attractor and the domain of solutions were analyzed.  Novel information measures based on Kolmogorov complexity  and used  for the quantification of randomness in time series, were presented.Novel measures were tested on various time series obtained by measuring physical factors of the environment or as the climate model outputs

    Nonlinear dynamical analysis of the physical processes in the environment

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    Ispitivan  je  spregnut  sistem  jednačina  za  prognozu  temperature  na površini  i  u  dubljem sloju zemljišta.  Računati  su  Ljapunovljevi eksponenti,  bifurkacioni dijagram, atraktor i analiziran je domen rešenja. Uvedene su nove informacione mere  bazirane na Kolmogorovljevoj kompleksnosti,  za kvantifikaciju  stepena nasumičnosti u vremenskim serijama,.  Nove mere su primenjene na razne serije dobijene merenjem fizičkih faktora životne sredine i pomoću klimatskih modela.Coupled system of prognostic equations for  the  ground surface temperature and  the deeper layer temperature was examind. Lyapunov exponents, bifurcation diagrams, attractor and the domain of solutions were analyzed.  Novel information measures based on Kolmogorov complexity  and used  for the quantification of randomness in time series, were presented.Novel measures were tested on various time series obtained by measuring physical factors of the environment or as the climate model outputs