15 research outputs found

    Model-based programming environments for spreadsheets

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    Spreadsheets can be seen as a flexible programming environment. However, they lack some of the concepts of regular programming languages, such as structured data types. This can lead the user to edit the spreadsheet in a wrong way and perhaps cause corrupt or redundant data. We devised a method for extraction of a relational model from a spreadsheet and the subsequent embedding of the model back into the spreadsheet to create a model-based spreadsheet programming environment. The extraction algorithm is specific for spreadsheets since it considers particularities such as layout and column arrangement. The extracted model is used to generate formulas and visual elements that are then embedded in the spreadsheet helping the user to edit data in a correct way. We present preliminary experimental results from applying our approach to a sample of spreadsheets from the EUSES Spreadsheet Corpus. Finally, we conduct the first systematic empirical study to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of this approach. A set of spreadsheet end users worked with two different model-based spreadsheets, and we present and analyze here the results achieved.This work is funded by ERDF European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within project FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-010048. The first author is supported by the FCT grant SFRH/BPD/73358/2010

    Discovery-based edit assistance for spreadsheets

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    Spreadsheets can be viewed as a highly flexible endusers programming environment which enjoys wide-spread adoption. But spreadsheets lack many of the structured programming concepts of regular programming paradigms. In particular, the lack of data structures in spreadsheets may lead spreadsheet users to cause redundancy, loss, or corruption of data during edit actions. In this paper, we demonstrate how implicit structural properties of spreadsheet data can be exploited to offer edit assistance to spreadsheet users. Our approach is based on the discovery of functional dependencies among data items which allow automatic reconstruction of a relational database schema. From this schema, new formulas and visual objects are embedded into the spreadsheet to offer features for auto-completion, guarded deletion, and controlled insertion. Schema discovery and spreadsheet enhancement are carried out automatically in the background and do not disturb normal user experience

    Gradual structuring: Evolving the spreadsheet paradigm for expressiveness and learnability

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    © 2016 IEEE. Spreadsheets are arguably the most used form of programming and are frequently used in higher education to teach fundamental concepts about computation. Their success has shown that they are simple enough for a huge number of end users to learn and use. This is in contrast to traditional programming languages and the high dropout rate from introductory programming and computer science. However in comparison to traditional programming languages and structured modelling, spreadsheets are not expressive, placing a limit on the levels of computational thinking that can be taught using the spreadsheet paradigm. This limitation is imposed by the lack of programming language features and abstractions in the paradigm. Furthermore, more advanced spreadsheet features (e.g. array formulae, lookup formulae, R1C1 syntax) can be difficult to learn and use. This paper discusses the idea of adding language features to spreadsheets, enabling the gradual structuring of free-form spreadsheets to more structured models. We propose that this concept is termed Gradual Structuring, and is analogous to the programming language concept of gradual typing. In this analogy, spreadsheets take the place of dynamic programming and structured modelling of static programming. In programming languages, gradual typing allows dynamic programming to be mixed with static programming. It is our contention that dynamic programming is more learnable while static programming is more expressive and abstract. Gradual typing could be used to mitigate the issues in the teaching of traditional programming. Likewise Gradual Structuring can mitigate the conceptual limits that can be taught using current spreadsheets. The key language feature required to enable Gradual Structuring is the ability to logically group cells together so that a single formula can be applied to the grouped cells. This concept, termed cell grouping diminishes and can even eliminate the need for the ubiquitous and error-prone use of copy-pasted in spreadsheets. Moreover, it makes the structure present in spreadsheet models explicit. Cell grouping requires a cascade of other new languages features. Namely a more expressive referencing style, which in turned requires enabling labels to be moved to the row and column headers, and the hierarchical structuring of these headers. Respectively these language features are termed enhanced referencing and semantic axes. The ongoing research focusses on the usability and learnability of these language features. Spreadsheet applications exist that contain aspects of the features mentioned. However these applications do not enable Gradual Structuring and have taken a mainly technical, not human behavioural, approach to evolving the spreadsheet

    Automated Refactoring of Nested-IF Formulae in Spreadsheets

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    Spreadsheets are the most popular end-user programming software, where formulae act like programs and also have smells. One well recognized common smell of spreadsheet formulae is nest-IF expressions, which have low readability and high cognitive cost for users, and are error-prone during reuse or maintenance. However, end users usually lack essential programming language knowledge and skills to tackle or even realize the problem. The previous research work has made very initial attempts in this aspect, while no effective and automated approach is currently available. This paper firstly proposes an AST-based automated approach to systematically refactoring nest-IF formulae. The general idea is two-fold. First, we detect and remove logic redundancy on the AST. Second, we identify higher-level semantics that have been fragmented and scattered, and reassemble the syntax using concise built-in functions. A comprehensive evaluation has been conducted against a real-world spreadsheet corpus, which is collected in a leading IT company for research purpose. The results with over 68,000 spreadsheets with 27 million nest-IF formulae reveal that our approach is able to relieve the smell of over 99\% of nest-IF formulae. Over 50% of the refactorings have reduced nesting levels of the nest-IFs by more than a half. In addition, a survey involving 49 participants indicates that for most cases the participants prefer the refactored formulae, and agree on that such automated refactoring approach is necessary and helpful

    Reducing Errors in Excel Models with Component-Based Software Engineering

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    Model errors are pervasive and can be catastrophic. We can reduce model errors and time to market by applying Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE) concepts to Excel models. CBSE assembles solutions from pre-built, pre-tested components rather than written from formulas. This is made possible by the introduction of LAMBDA. LAMBDA is an Excel function that creates functions from Excel's formulas. CBSE-compliant LAMBDA functions can be reused in any project just like any Excel function. They also look exactly like Excel's native functions such as SUM(). This makes it possible for even junior modelers to leverage CBSE-compliant LAMBDAs to develop models quicker with fewer errors.Comment: 27 page

    From spreadsheets to relational databases and back

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    This paper presents techniques and tools to transform spreadsheets into relational databases and back. A set of data refinement rules is introduced to map a tabular datatype into a relational database schema. Having expressed the transformation of the two data models as data refinements, we obtain for free the functions that migrate the data. We use well-known relational database techniques to optimize and query the data. Because data refinements define bidirectional transformations we can map such database back to an optimized spreadsheet. We have implemented the data refinement rules and we have constructed tools to manipulate, optimize and refactor Excel-like spreadsheets.(undefined

    Improvement of Spreadsheet Quality through Reduction of End-User Overconfidence: Case Study

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    This paper is prompted by and based on earlier research into developers' overconfidence as one of the main causes of spreadsheet errors. Similar to related research, the aim of the paper was to ascertain the existence of overconfidence, and then examine the possibility of its reduction by means of experimental treatment designed for the needs of the research. A quasi-experiment was conducted to this end, in which 62 students of the Faculty of Economics of the University of Novi Sad participated, divided into the experimental and control group. Participants of both groups developed domain free spreadsheets in two iterations each. After the first iterations, students in the experimental group were subjected to experimental treatment: they attended lectures on spreadsheet errors taxonomies supported by real-life examples, and about spreadsheet best practices in the area of spreadsheet error prevention. Results showed that spreadsheet developers who were informed about spreadsheet error taxonomies and spreadsheet best practices create more accurate spreadsheets and are less self-confident in terms of accuracy of their spreadsheets