2 research outputs found

    Bringing Autonomic Principles For Managing Next Generation Networks And Services: A Report On Lanoms 2007

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    The Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS 2007), held in Petropolis, Brazil, between 10-12 September, 2007, focused on implementing automatic principles for managing next generation networks and services. The technical program was held as a single track to initiate discussions and interactions on the topic among the participants at the event. The program was composed of invited speeches, technical sessions, invited paper sessions, and tutorials presented by researchers and professionals. Thirteen full papers were accepted for publication, while authors of five submissions were invited to publish their work as short papers and also to present them in a special technical session.161120128Granville, L.Z., Gaspary, L.P., Schulze, B., De Souza, J.N., Spotlights on network operations and management research in Latin America-a report on LANOMS 2005 (2006) J. Netw. Syst. Manage., 14, pp. 175-179. , 1Duarte, E.P., Madeira, E.R.M., Future trends in network management: A report on LANOMS 2003 (2003) J. Netw. Syst. Manage., 11, pp. 499-503. , 4Nogueira, J.M., Loureiro, A.F., Network management as a strategy for evolution and development: A report from LANOMS 2001 (2002) J. Netw. Syst. Manage., 10, pp. 261-264. , 2Westphall, C.B., Kormann, L.F., Notare, M.S.M.A., Riso, B.G., Cruz, F.A.S., Network management-solutions and trends for the Latin and global markets (2000) J. Netw. Syst. Manage., 8, pp. 299-304. ,

    Managing Secure Virtual Infrastructures: From Networks To Clouds - A Report On Lanoms 2011

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    The 7th Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS 2011) was held in Quito, Ecuador, on October 10 11, 2011. A panel on 'Trends in Managing Virtual Infrastructures: from Networks to Clouds', moderated by Prof. José Marcos Nogueira, from Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil, generated lively discussions on the current state of the technology in cloud computing, what are the main challenges in this field, and what can be expected to be solvable in the near future. Dr. Vladimir Tosic's keynote started by highlighting that currently many organizations are attracted to cloud computing as an information and communications technology sourcing model that can improve flexibility and total cost of systems. Prof. Otto C.M.B. Duarte's keynote was 'On the Design of the Future Internet'. He started highlighting that the very growth of the Internet is due to the TCP/IP protocol stack and its model of a simple core and complexity on the border.204601607Westphall, C., Kormann, L., Notare, M., Riso, B.G., Cruz, F., Report: Network management solutions and trends for the Latin and global markets (2000) J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 8 (2), pp. 299-304Nogueira, J.M., Loureiro, A.A.F., Network management as a strategy for evolution and development: A leport from LANOMS 2001 (2002) J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 10 (2), pp. 261-264Duarte Jr., E.P., Madeira, E., Future trends in network management: A report on LANOMS 2003 (2003) J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 11 (4), pp. 499-503Granville, L.Z., Gaspary, L.P., Schulze, B., De Souza, J.N., Spotlights on network operations and management research in Latin America: A report on LANOMS 2005 (2006) J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 14 (1), pp. 175-179De Souza, J.N., Schulze, B., Sauvé, J.P., Madeira, E., Ziviani, A., Bringing autonomic principles for managing next generation networks and services: A report on LANOMS 2007 (2008) J. Netw. Syst. Manag., 16 (1), pp. 120-128The 6th Latin American Network Operations and Management Symposium (LANOMS'2009), , http://www.lanoms.org/2009, accessed in April 2012