349 research outputs found

    Two-Factor Biometric Identity Verification System for the Human-Machine System Integrated Deep Learning Model

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    The Human-Machine Identity Verification System based on Deep Learning offers a robust and automated approach to identity verification, leveraging the power of deep learning algorithms to enhance accuracy and security. This paper focused on the biometric-based authentical scheme with Biometric Recognition for the Huma-Machinary Identification System. The proposed model is stated as the Two-Factor Biometric Authentication Deep Learning (TBAuthDL). The proposed TBAuthDL model uses the iris and fingerprint biometric data for authentication. TBAuthDL uses the Weighted Hashing Cryptographic (WHC) model for the data security. The TBAuthDL model computes the hashing factors and biometric details of the person with WHC and updates to the TBAuthDL. Upon the verification of the details of the assessment is verified in the Human-Machinary identity. The simulation analysis of TBAuthDL model achieves a higher accuracy of 99% with a minimal error rate of 1% which is significantly higher than the existing techniques. The performance also minimizes the computation and processing time with reduced complexity

    Gesture passwords: concepts, methods and challenges

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    Biometrics are a convenient alternative to traditional forms of access control such as passwords and pass-cards since they rely solely on user-specific traits. Unlike alphanumeric passwords, biometrics cannot be given or told to another person, and unlike pass-cards, are always “on-hand.” Perhaps the most well-known biometrics with these properties are: face, speech, iris, and gait. This dissertation proposes a new biometric modality: gestures. A gesture is a short body motion that contains static anatomical information and changing behavioral (dynamic) information. This work considers both full-body gestures such as a large wave of the arms, and hand gestures such as a subtle curl of the fingers and palm. For access control, a specific gesture can be selected as a “password” and used for identification and authentication of a user. If this particular motion were somehow compromised, a user could readily select a new motion as a “password,” effectively changing and renewing the behavioral aspect of the biometric. This thesis describes a novel framework for acquiring, representing, and evaluating gesture passwords for the purpose of general access control. The framework uses depth sensors, such as the Kinect, to record gesture information from which depth maps or pose features are estimated. First, various distance measures, such as the log-euclidean distance between feature covariance matrices and distances based on feature sequence alignment via dynamic time warping, are used to compare two gestures, and train a classifier to either authenticate or identify a user. In authentication, this framework yields an equal error rate on the order of 1-2% for body and hand gestures in non-adversarial scenarios. Next, through a novel decomposition of gestures into posture, build, and dynamic components, the relative importance of each component is studied. The dynamic portion of a gesture is shown to have the largest impact on biometric performance with its removal causing a significant increase in error. In addition, the effects of two types of threats are investigated: one due to self-induced degradations (personal effects and the passage of time) and the other due to spoof attacks. For body gestures, both spoof attacks (with only the dynamic component) and self-induced degradations increase the equal error rate as expected. Further, the benefits of adding additional sensor viewpoints to this modality are empirically evaluated. Finally, a novel framework that leverages deep convolutional neural networks for learning a user-specific “style” representation from a set of known gestures is proposed and compared to a similar representation for gesture recognition. This deep convolutional neural network yields significantly improved performance over prior methods. A byproduct of this work is the creation and release of multiple publicly available, user-centric (as opposed to gesture-centric) datasets based on both body and hand gestures

    An Evaluation of Score Level Fusion Approaches for Fingerprint and Finger-vein Biometrics

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    Biometric systems have to address many requirements, such as large population coverage, demographic diversity, varied deployment environment, as well as practical aspects like performance and spoofing attacks. Traditional unimodal biometric systems do not fully meet the aforementioned requirements making them vulnerable and susceptible to different types of attacks. In response to that, modern biometric systems combine multiple biometric modalities at different fusion levels. The fused score is decisive to classify an unknown user as a genuine or impostor. In this paper, we evaluate combinations of score normalization and fusion techniques using two modalities (fingerprint and finger-vein) with the goal of identifying which one achieves better improvement rate over traditional unimodal biometric systems. The individual scores obtained from finger-veins and fingerprints are combined at score level using three score normalization techniques (min-max, z-score, hyperbolic tangent) and four score fusion approaches (minimum score, maximum score, simple sum, user weighting). The experimental results proved that the combination of hyperbolic tangent score normalization technique with the simple sum fusion approach achieve the best improvement rate of 99.98%.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, conference, NISK 201

    Survey on Security Enhancement at the Design Phase

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    Pattern classification is a branch of machine learning that focuses on recognition of patterns and regularities in data. In adversarial applications like biometric authentication, spam filtering, network intrusion detection the pattern classification systems are used [6]. In this paper, we have to evaluate the security pattern by classifications based on the files uploaded by the users. We have also proposed the method of spam filtering to prevent the attack of the files from other users. We evaluate our approach for security task of uploading word files and pdf files. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150314