5 research outputs found

    Spike-timing prediction in cortical neurons with active dendrites

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    A complete single-neuron model must correctly reproduce the firing of spikes and bursts. We present a study of a simplified model of deep pyramidal cells of the cortex with active dendrites. We hypothesized that we can model the soma and its apical dendrite with only two compartments, without significant loss in the accuracy of spike-timing predictions. The model is based on experimentally measurable impulse-response functions, which transfer the effect of current injected in one compartment to current reaching the other. Each compartment was modeled with a pair of non-linear differential equations and a small number of parameters that approximate the Hodgkin-and-Huxley equations. The predictive power of this model was tested on electrophysiological experiments where noisy current was injected in both the soma and the apical dendrite simultaneously. We conclude that a simple two-compartment model can predict spike times of pyramidal cells stimulated in the soma and dendrites simultaneously. Our results support that regenerating activity in the apical dendritic is required to properly account for the dynamics of layer 5 pyramidal cells under in-vivo-like conditions

    Two-compartment neuronal spiking model expressing brain-state specific apical-amplification, -isolation and -drive regimes

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    There is mounting experimental evidence that brain-state specific neural mechanisms supported by connectomic architectures serve to combine past and contextual knowledge with current, incoming flow of evidence (e.g. from sensory systems). Such mechanisms are distributed across multiple spatial and temporal scales and require dedicated support at the levels of individual neurons and synapses. A prominent feature in the neocortex is the structure of large, deep pyramidal neurons which show a peculiar separation between an apical dendritic compartment and a basal dentritic/peri-somatic compartment, with distinctive patterns of incoming connections and brain-state specific activation mechanisms, namely apical-amplification, -isolation and -drive associated to the wakefulness, deeper NREM sleep stages and REM sleep. The cognitive roles of apical mechanisms have been demonstrated in behaving animals. In contrast, classical models of learning spiking networks are based on single compartment neurons that miss the description of mechanisms to combine apical and basal/somatic information. This work aims to provide the computational community with a two-compartment spiking neuron model which includes features that are essential for supporting brain-state specific learning and with a piece-wise linear transfer function (ThetaPlanes) at highest abstraction level to be used in large scale bio-inspired artificial intelligence systems. A machine learning algorithm, constrained by a set of fitness functions, selected the parameters defining neurons expressing the desired apical mechanisms.Comment: 19 pages, 38 figures, pape

    Single Biological Neurons as Temporally Precise Spatio-Temporal Pattern Recognizers

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    This PhD thesis is focused on the central idea that single neurons in the brain should be regarded as temporally precise and highly complex spatio-temporal pattern recognizers. This is opposed to the prevalent view of biological neurons as simple and mainly spatial pattern recognizers by most neuroscientists today. In this thesis, I will attempt to demonstrate that this is an important distinction, predominantly because the above-mentioned computational properties of single neurons have far-reaching implications with respect to the various brain circuits that neurons compose, and on how information is encoded by neuronal activity in the brain. Namely, that these particular "low-level" details at the single neuron level have substantial system-wide ramifications. In the introduction we will highlight the main components that comprise a neural microcircuit that can perform useful computations and illustrate the inter-dependence of these components from a system perspective. In chapter 1 we discuss the great complexity of the spatio-temporal input-output relationship of cortical neurons that are the result of morphological structure and biophysical properties of the neuron. In chapter 2 we demonstrate that single neurons can generate temporally precise output patterns in response to specific spatio-temporal input patterns with a very simple biologically plausible learning rule. In chapter 3, we use the differentiable deep network analog of a realistic cortical neuron as a tool to approximate the gradient of the output of the neuron with respect to its input and use this capability in an attempt to teach the neuron to perform nonlinear XOR operation. In chapter 4 we expand chapter 3 to describe extension of our ideas to neuronal networks composed of many realistic biological spiking neurons that represent either small microcircuits or entire brain regions

    Computational principles of single neuron adaptation

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    Cortical neurons continuously transform sets of incoming spike trains into output spike trains. This input-output transformation is referred to as single-neuron computation and constitutes one of the most fundamental process in the brain. A deep understanding of single-neuron dynamics is therefore required to study how neural circuits support complex behaviors such as sensory perception, learning and memory. The results presented in this thesis focus on single-neuron computation. In particular, I address the question of how and why cortical neurons adapt their coding strategies to the statistical properties of their inputs. A new spiking model and a new fitting procedure are introduced that enable reliable nonparametric feature extraction from in vitro intracellular recordings. By applying this method to a new set of data from L5 pyramidal neurons, I found that cortical neurons adapt their firing rate over multiple timescales, ranging from tens of milliseconds to tens of second. This behavior results from two cellular processes, which are triggered by the emission of individual action potentials and decay according to a power-law. An analysis performed on in vivo intracellular recordings further indicates that power-law adaptation is near-optimally tuned to efficiently encode natural inputs received by single neurons in biologically relevant situations. These results shade light on the functional role of spike-frequency adaptation in the cortex. The second part of this thesis focuses on the long-standing question of whether cortical neurons act as temporal integrators or coincidence detectors. According to standard theories relying on simplified spiking models, cortical neurons are expected to feature both coding strategies, depending on the statistical properties of their inputs. A model-based analysis performed on a second set of in vitro recordings demonstrates that the spike initiation dynamics implements a complex form of adaptation to make cortical neurons act as coincidence detectors, regardless of the input statistics. This result indicates that cortical neurons are well-suited to support a temporal code in which the relevant information is carried by the precise timing of spikes. The spiking model introduced in this thesis was not designed to study a particular aspect of single-neuron computation and achieves good performances in predicting the spiking activity of different neuronal types. The proposed method for parameter estimation is efficient and only requires a limited amount of data. If applied on large datasets, the mathematical framework presented in this thesis could therefore lead to automated high-throughput single-neuron characterization