933 research outputs found

    Evolution of network structure by temporal learning

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    We study the effect of learning dynamics on network topology. A network of discrete dynamical systems is considered for this purpose and the coupling strengths are made to evolve according to a temporal learning rule that is based on the paradigm of spike-time-dependent plasticity. This incorporates necessary competition between different edges. The final network we obtain is robust and has a broad degree distribution.Comment: revised manuscript in communicatio

    The Applicability of Spike Time Dependent Plasticity to Development

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    Spike time dependent plasticity (STDP) has been observed in both developing and adult animals. Theoretical studies suggest that it implicitly leads to both competition and homeostasis in addition to correlation-based plasticity, making it a good candidate to explain developmental refinement and plasticity in a number of systems. However, it has only been observed to play a clear role in development in a small number of cases. Because the fast time scales necessary to elicit STDP, it would likely be inefficient in governing synaptic modifications in the absence of fast correlations in neural activity. In contrast, later stages of development often depend on sensory inputs that can drive activity on much faster time scales, suggesting a role in STDP in many sensory systems after opening of the eyes and ear canals. Correlations on fast time scales can be also be present earlier in developing microcircuits, such as those produced by specific transient ā€œteacherā€ circuits in the cerebral cortex. By reviewing examples of each case, we suggest that STDP is not a universal rule, but rather might be masked or phased in, depending on the information available to instruct refinement in different developing circuits. Thus, this review describes selected cases where STDP has been studied in developmental contexts, and uses these examples to suggest a more general framework for understanding where it could be playing a role in development

    Balancing Excitation and Inhibition

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    In this issue of Neuron, Dā€™amour and Froemke (2015) examine how inhibitory spike-time-dependent plasticity (STDP) interacts with co-activated excitatory STDP to regulate excitatory-inhibitory balance in auditory cortex

    Memristance can explain Spike-Time-Dependent-Plasticity in Neural Synapses

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    Interdisciplinary research broadens the view of particular problems yielding fresh and possibly unexpected insights. This is the case of neuromorphic engineering where technology and neuroscience cross-fertilize each other. For example, consider on one side the recently discovered memristor, postulated in 1974, thanks to research in nanotechnology electronics. On the other side, consider the mechanism known as Spike-Time-Dependent-Plasticity (STDP) which describes a neuronal synaptic learning mechanism that outperforms the traditional Hebbian synaptic plasticity proposed in 1949. STDP was originally postulated as a computer learning algorithm, and is being used by the machine intelligence and computational neuroscience community. At the same time its biological and physiological foundations have been reasonably well established during the past decade. If memristance and STDP can be related, then (a) recent discoveries in nanophysics and nanoelectronic principles may shed new lights into understanding the intricate molecular and physiological mechanisms behind STDP in neuroscience, and (b) new neuromorphic-like computers built out of nanotechnology memristive devices could incorporate the biological STDP mechanisms yielding a new generation of self-adaptive ultra-high-dense intelligent machines. Here we show that by combining memristance models with the electrical wave signals of neural impulses (spikes) converging from pre- and post-synaptic neurons into a synaptic junction, STDP behavior emerges naturally. This result serves to understand how neural and memristance parameters modulate STDP, which might bring new insights to neurophysiologists in searching for the ultimate physiological mechanisms responsible for STDP in biological synapses. At the same time, this result also provides a direct mean to incorporate STDP learning mechanisms into a new generation of nanotechnology computers employing memristors
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