118 research outputs found

    Non-Separable, Quasiconcave Utilities are Easy -- in a Perfect Price Discrimination Market Model

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    Recent results, establishing evidence of intractability for such restrictive utility functions as additively separable, piecewise-linear and concave, under both Fisher and Arrow-Debreu market models, have prompted the question of whether we have failed to capture some essential elements of real markets, which seem to do a good job of finding prices that maintain parity between supply and demand. The main point of this paper is to show that even non-separable, quasiconcave utility functions can be handled efficiently in a suitably chosen, though natural, realistic and useful, market model; our model allows for perfect price discrimination. Our model supports unique equilibrium prices and, for the restriction to concave utilities, satisfies both welfare theorems

    Ascending-Price Algorithms for Unknown Markets

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    We design a simple ascending-price algorithm to compute a (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximate equilibrium in Arrow-Debreu exchange markets with weak gross substitute (WGS) property, which runs in time polynomial in market parameters and log1/ε\log 1/\varepsilon. This is the first polynomial-time algorithm for most of the known tractable classes of Arrow-Debreu markets, which is easy to implement and avoids heavy machinery such as the ellipsoid method. In addition, our algorithm can be applied in unknown market setting without exact knowledge about the number of agents, their individual utilities and endowments. Instead, our algorithm only relies on queries to a global demand oracle by posting prices and receiving aggregate demand for goods as feedback. When demands are real-valued functions of prices, the oracles can only return values of bounded precision based on real utility functions. Due to this more realistic assumption, precision and representation of prices and demands become a major technical challenge, and we develop new tools and insights that may be of independent interest. Furthermore, our approach also gives the first polynomial-time algorithm to compute an exact equilibrium for markets with spending constraint utilities, a piecewise linear concave generalization of linear utilities. This resolves an open problem posed by Duan and Mehlhorn (2015).Comment: 33 page

    Market Equilibrium with Transaction Costs

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    Identical products being sold at different prices in different locations is a common phenomenon. Price differences might occur due to various reasons such as shipping costs, trade restrictions and price discrimination. To model such scenarios, we supplement the classical Fisher model of a market by introducing {\em transaction costs}. For every buyer ii and every good jj, there is a transaction cost of \cij; if the price of good jj is pjp_j, then the cost to the buyer ii {\em per unit} of jj is p_j + \cij. This allows the same good to be sold at different (effective) prices to different buyers. We provide a combinatorial algorithm that computes ϵ\epsilon-approximate equilibrium prices and allocations in O(1ϵ(n+logm)mnlog(B/ϵ))O\left(\frac{1}{\epsilon}(n+\log{m})mn\log(B/\epsilon)\right) operations - where mm is the number goods, nn is the number of buyers and BB is the sum of the budgets of all the buyers

    Strongly polynomial algorithm for a class of minimum-cost flow problems with separable convex objectives

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    A well-studied nonlinear extension of the minimum-cost flow problem is to minimize the objective ijECij(fij)\sum_{ij\in E} C_{ij}(f_{ij}) over feasible flows ff, where on every arc ijij of the network, CijC_{ij} is a convex function. We give a strongly polynomial algorithm for the case when all CijC_{ij}'s are convex quadratic functions, settling an open problem raised e.g. by Hochbaum [1994]. We also give strongly polynomial algorithms for computing market equilibria in Fisher markets with linear utilities and with spending constraint utilities, that can be formulated in this framework (see Shmyrev [2009], Devanur et al. [2011]). For the latter class this resolves an open question raised by Vazirani [2010]. The running time is O(m4logm)O(m^4\log m) for quadratic costs, O(n4+n2(m+nlogn)logn)O(n^4+n^2(m+n\log n)\log n) for Fisher's markets with linear utilities and O(mn3+m2(m+nlogn)logm)O(mn^3 +m^2(m+n\log n)\log m) for spending constraint utilities. All these algorithms are presented in a common framework that addresses the general problem setting. Whereas it is impossible to give a strongly polynomial algorithm for the general problem even in an approximate sense (see Hochbaum [1994]), we show that assuming the existence of certain black-box oracles, one can give an algorithm using a strongly polynomial number of arithmetic operations and oracle calls only. The particular algorithms can be derived by implementing these oracles in the respective settings

    Online Bipartite Matching and Adwords

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    The simplicity of the recently obtained proof of the optimal algorithm for online bipartite matching (OBM), called RANKING \cite{KVV}, naturally raises the possibility of extending this algorithm to the adwords problem, or its special case called SMALL, in which bids are small compared to budgets; the latter has been of considerable practical significance in ad auctions \cite{MSVV}. The attractive feature of our approach, in contrast to \cite{MSVV}, was that it would yield a {\em budget-oblivious algorithm}, i.e., during its execution, the algorithm would not need to know what fraction of budget each bidder has spent -- only whether there is budget left-over. This would immediately render the algorithm useful for autobidding platforms. Our attempt met several hurdles, which are described in detail in the paper. In particular, a substantial probabilistic development led us to obtain an optimal, online, budget-oblivious algorithm for SINGLE-VALUED, which is intermediate between OMB and the adwords problem; this algorithm is a natural generalization of RANKING. For SMALL, we managed to overcome all but one hurdle, namely failure of a property, called the no-surpassing property. Interestingly enough, this property plays a minor role in the proofs of RANKING as well as our algorithm for SINGLE-VALUED.Comment: 27 page