82 research outputs found

    Speedy Transactions in Multicore In-Memory Databases

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    Silo is a new in-memory database that achieves excellent performance and scalability on modern multicore machines. Silo was designed from the ground up to use system memory and caches efficiently. For instance, it avoids all centralized contention points, including that of centralized transaction ID assignment. Silo's key contribution is a commit protocol based on optimistic concurrency control that provides serializability while avoiding all shared-memory writes for records that were only read. Though this might seem to complicate the enforcement of a serial order, correct logging and recovery is provided by linking periodically-updated epochs with the commit protocol. Silo provides the same guarantees as any serializable database without unnecessary scalability bottlenecks or much additional latency. Silo achieves almost 700,000 transactions per second on a standard TPC-C workload mix on a 32-core machine, as well as near-linear scalability. Considered per core, this is several times higher than previously reported results.Engineering and Applied Science

    On the Impact of Memory Allocation on High-Performance Query Processing

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    Somewhat surprisingly, the behavior of analytical query engines is crucially affected by the dynamic memory allocator used. Memory allocators highly influence performance, scalability, memory efficiency and memory fairness to other processes. In this work, we provide the first comprehensive experimental analysis on the impact of memory allocation for high-performance query engines. We test five state-of-the-art dynamic memory allocators and discuss their strengths and weaknesses within our DBMS. The right allocator can increase the performance of TPC-DS (SF 100) by 2.7x on a 4-socket Intel Xeon server

    Towards Transaction as a Service

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    This paper argues for decoupling transaction processing from existing two-layer cloud-native databases and making transaction processing as an independent service. By building a transaction as a service (TaaS) layer, the transaction processing can be independently scaled for high resource utilization and can be independently upgraded for development agility. Accordingly, we architect an execution-transaction-storage three-layer cloud-native database. By connecting to TaaS, 1) the AP engines can be empowered with ACID TP capability, 2) multiple standalone TP engine instances can be incorporated to support multi-master distributed TP for horizontal scalability, 3) multiple execution engines with different data models can be integrated to support multi-model transactions, and 4) high performance TP is achieved through extensive TaaS optimizations and consistent evolution. Cloud-native databases deserve better architecture: we believe that TaaS provides a path forward to better cloud-native databases

    Fine-Grain Checkpointing with In-Cache-Line Logging

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    Non-Volatile Memory offers the possibility of implementing high-performance, durable data structures. However, achieving performance comparable to well-designed data structures in non-persistent (transient) memory is difficult, primarily because of the cost of ensuring the order in which memory writes reach NVM. Often, this requires flushing data to NVM and waiting a full memory round-trip time. In this paper, we introduce two new techniques: Fine-Grained Checkpointing, which ensures a consistent, quickly recoverable data structure in NVM after a system failure, and In-Cache-Line Logging, an undo-logging technique that enables recovery of earlier state without requiring cache-line flushes in the normal case. We implemented these techniques in the Masstree data structure, making it persistent and demonstrating the ease of applying them to a highly optimized system and their low (5.9-15.4\%) runtime overhead cost.Comment: In 2019 Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 19), April 13, 2019, Providence, RI, US
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