123 research outputs found

    Speeding-up Dynamic Programming with Representative Sets - An Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Steiner Tree on Tree Decompositions

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    Dynamic programming on tree decompositions is a frequently used approach to solve otherwise intractable problems on instances of small treewidth. In recent work by Bodlaender et al., it was shown that for many connectivity problems, there exist algorithms that use time, linear in the number of vertices, and single exponential in the width of the tree decomposition that is used. The central idea is that it suffices to compute representative sets, and these can be computed efficiently with help of Gaussian elimination. In this paper, we give an experimental evaluation of this technique for the Steiner Tree problem. A comparison of the classic dynamic programming algorithm and the improved dynamic programming algorithm that employs the table reduction shows that the new approach gives significant improvements on the running time of the algorithm and the size of the tables computed by the dynamic programming algorithm, and thus that the rank based approach from Bodlaender et al. does not only give significant theoretical improvements but also is a viable approach in a practical setting, and showcases the potential of exploiting the idea of representative sets for speeding up dynamic programming algorithms

    Finding Hamiltonian Cycle in Graphs of Bounded Treewidth: Experimental Evaluation

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    The notion of treewidth, introduced by Robertson and Seymour in their seminal Graph Minors series, turned out to have tremendous impact on graph algorithmics. Many hard computational problems on graphs turn out to be efficiently solvable in graphs of bounded treewidth: graphs that can be sweeped with separators of bounded size. These efficient algorithms usually follow the dynamic programming paradigm. In the recent years, we have seen a rapid and quite unexpected development of involved techniques for solving various computational problems in graphs of bounded treewidth. One of the most surprising directions is the development of algorithms for connectivity problems that have only single-exponential dependency (i.e., 2^{{O}(t)}) on the treewidth in the running time bound, as opposed to slightly superexponential (i.e., 2^{{O}(t log t)}) stemming from more naive approaches. In this work, we perform a thorough experimental evaluation of these approaches in the context of one of the most classic connectivity problem, namely Hamiltonian Cycle

    Cut and Count and Representative Sets on Branch Decompositions

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    Recently, new techniques have been introduced to speed up dynamic programming algorithms on tree decompositions for connectivity problems: the \u27Cut and Count\u27 method and a method called the rank-based approach, based on representative sets and Gaussian elimination. These methods respectively give randomised and deterministic algorithms that are single exponential in the treewidth, and polynomial, respectively linear in the number of vertices. In this paper, we adapt these methods to branch decompositions yielding algorithms, both randomised and deterministic, that are in many cases faster than when tree decompositions would be used. In particular, we obtain the currently fastest randomised algorithms for several problems on planar graphs. When the involved weights are O(n^{O(1)}), we obtain faster randomised algorithms on planar graphs for Steiner Tree, Connected Dominating Set, Feedback Vertex Set and TSP, and a faster deterministic algorithm for TSP. When considering planar graphs with arbitrary real weights, we obtain faster deterministic algorithms for all four mentioned problems

    Determinantal Sieving

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    We introduce determinantal sieving, a new, remarkably powerful tool in the toolbox of algebraic FPT algorithms. Given a polynomial P(X)P(X) on a set of variables X={x1,,xn}X=\{x_1,\ldots,x_n\} and a linear matroid M=(X,I)M=(X,\mathcal{I}) of rank kk, both over a field F\mathbb{F} of characteristic 2, in 2k2^k evaluations we can sieve for those terms in the monomial expansion of PP which are multilinear and whose support is a basis for MM. Alternatively, using 2k2^k evaluations of PP we can sieve for those monomials whose odd support spans MM. Applying this framework, we improve on a range of algebraic FPT algorithms, such as: 1. Solving qq-Matroid Intersection in time O(2(q2)k)O^*(2^{(q-2)k}) and qq-Matroid Parity in time O(2qk)O^*(2^{qk}), improving on O(4qk)O^*(4^{qk}) (Brand and Pratt, ICALP 2021) 2. TT-Cycle, Colourful (s,t)(s,t)-Path, Colourful (S,T)(S,T)-Linkage in undirected graphs, and the more general Rank kk (S,T)(S,T)-Linkage problem, all in O(2k)O^*(2^k) time, improving on O(2k+S)O^*(2^{k+|S|}) respectively O(2S+O(k2log(k+F)))O^*(2^{|S|+O(k^2 \log(k+|\mathbb{F}|))}) (Fomin et al., SODA 2023) 3. Many instances of the Diverse X paradigm, finding a collection of rr solutions to a problem with a minimum mutual distance of dd in time O(2r(r1)d/2)O^*(2^{r(r-1)d/2}), improving solutions for kk-Distinct Branchings from time 2O(klogk)2^{O(k \log k)} to O(2k)O^*(2^k) (Bang-Jensen et al., ESA 2021), and for Diverse Perfect Matchings from O(22O(rd))O^*(2^{2^{O(rd)}}) to O(2r2d/2)O^*(2^{r^2d/2}) (Fomin et al., STACS 2021) All matroids are assumed to be represented over a field of characteristic 2. Over general fields, we achieve similar results at the cost of using exponential space by working over the exterior algebra. For a class of arithmetic circuits we call strongly monotone, this is even achieved without any loss of running time. However, the odd support sieving result appears to be specific to working over characteristic 2

    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 244, ESA 2022, Complete Volum

    Parameterized Graph Modification Beyond the Natural Parameter

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