281 research outputs found

    Speeding up Convolutional Neural Networks with Low Rank Expansions

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    The focus of this paper is speeding up the evaluation of convolutional neural networks. While delivering impressive results across a range of computer vision and machine learning tasks, these networks are computationally demanding, limiting their deployability. Convolutional layers generally consume the bulk of the processing time, and so in this work we present two simple schemes for drastically speeding up these layers. This is achieved by exploiting cross-channel or filter redundancy to construct a low rank basis of filters that are rank-1 in the spatial domain. Our methods are architecture agnostic, and can be easily applied to existing CPU and GPU convolutional frameworks for tuneable speedup performance. We demonstrate this with a real world network designed for scene text character recognition, showing a possible 2.5x speedup with no loss in accuracy, and 4.5x speedup with less than 1% drop in accuracy, still achieving state-of-the-art on standard benchmarks

    Compression of Deep Neural Networks on the Fly

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    Thanks to their state-of-the-art performance, deep neural networks are increasingly used for object recognition. To achieve these results, they use millions of parameters to be trained. However, when targeting embedded applications the size of these models becomes problematic. As a consequence, their usage on smartphones or other resource limited devices is prohibited. In this paper we introduce a novel compression method for deep neural networks that is performed during the learning phase. It consists in adding an extra regularization term to the cost function of fully-connected layers. We combine this method with Product Quantization (PQ) of the trained weights for higher savings in storage consumption. We evaluate our method on two data sets (MNIST and CIFAR10), on which we achieve significantly larger compression rates than state-of-the-art methods
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