4 research outputs found

    A Tool Also for Linguists: A Review of Paul Sullivan’s Qualitative Data Analysis Using a Dialogical Approach

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    Paul Sullivan (2013) introduces a method of speech analysis that uses a dialogical approach, which is distinguished from critical discourse analysis, phenomenological analysis, and grounded theory by its hermeneutic of trust. In this approach, data is analyzed using a pairing of bureaucratic and theoretical methods that indicates in the speech where the key moments are and where intonation expresses meaning. In the evaluation process subjectivity is defined and described. The types of data that would be especially suited to this approach include interviews, focus group speech, and conversation. This dialogic approach also has applications in the field of linguistic


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    Vowel normalization is a computation that is meant to account for the differences in the absolute direct (physical or psychophysical) representations of qualitatively equivalent vowel productions that arise due to differences in speaker properties such as body size types, age, gender, and other socially interpreted categories that are based on natural variation in vocal tract size and shape. In this dissertation, we address the metaphysical and epistemological aspects of vowel normalization pertaining to spoken language acquisition during early infancy. We begin by reviewing approaches to conceptualizing and modeling the phonetic components of early spoken language acquisition, forming a catalog of phenomena that serves as the basis for our discourse. We then establish the existence of a vowel normalization computation carried out by infants early in their spoken language acquisition, and put forward a conceptual and technical framework for its investigation which focuses attention on the generative nature of the computation. We then situate the acquisition of vowel normalization within a broader developmental framework encompassing a suite of vocal learning phenomena, including language-specific caretaker vocal exchanges

    Studies on Diversification of Speech Expressions for Conversational Speech Synthesis

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