644 research outputs found

    Learning spectral-temporal features with 3D CNNs for speech emotion recognition

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    In this paper, we propose to use deep 3-dimensional convolutional networks (3D CNNs) in order to address the challenge of modelling spectro-temporal dynamics for speech emotion recognition (SER). Compared to a hybrid of Convolutional Neural Network and Long-Short-Term-Memory (CNN-LSTM), our proposed 3D CNNs simultaneously extract short-term and long-term spectral features with a moderate number of parameters. We evaluated our proposed and other state-of-the-art methods in a speaker-independent manner using aggregated corpora that give a large and diverse set of speakers. We found that 1) shallow temporal and moderately deep spectral kernels of a homogeneous architecture are optimal for the task; and 2) our 3D CNNs are more effective for spectro-temporal feature learning compared to other methods. Finally, we visualised the feature space obtained with our proposed method using t-distributed stochastic neighbour embedding (T-SNE) and could observe distinct clusters of emotions

    Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition

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    Tato práce se zaměřuje na problém Rozpoznávánı́ emocı́, který spadá do třı́dy problémů Zpracovánı́ přirozeného jazyka. Cı́lem této práce bylo vytvořit modely strojového učenı́ na rozpoznánı́ emocı́ z textu a ze zvuku. Práce základně seznámı́ čtenáře s tı́mto problémem, s možnostmi reprezentace emocı́, s dostupnými datovými sadami a s existujı́cı́mi řešenı́mi. Poté se v práci popisujı́ naše navrhnutá řešenı́ pro úlohy Rozpoznávánı́ emocı́ z textu, Rozpoznávánı́ emocı́ ze zvuku a Multimodálnı́ho rozpoznávánı́ emocı́ z řeči. Dále popisujeme experimenty, které jsme provedli, prezentujeme dosažené výsledky těchto experimentů a ukazujeme naše dvě praktické demo aplikace. Dva z našich navrhovaných modelů porazily předchozı́ nejlepšı́ dos-tupné řešenı́ z roku 2018. Všechny experimenty a modely byly naprogramovány v programovacı́m jazyce Python.This work focuses on the Emotion Recognition task, which falls into the Natural Language Processing problems. The goal of this work was to create Machine learning models to recognize emotions from text and audio. The work introduces the problem, possible emotion representations, available datasets, and existing solutions to a reader. It then describes our proposed solutions for Text Emotion Recognition (TER), Speech Emotion Recognition (SER), and Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition tasks. Further, we describe the experiments we have conducted, present the results of those experiments, and show our two demo practical applications. Two of our proposed models were able to outperform a previous state-of-the-art solution from 2018. All experiments and models were programmed in the Python programming language

    2-D Attention Based Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network for Speech Emotion Recognition

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    Recognizing speech emotions  is a formidable challenge due to the complexity of emotions. The function of Speech Emotion Recognition(SER) is significantly impacted by the effects of emotional signals retrieved from speech. The majority of emotional traits, on the other hand, are sensitive to emotionally neutral elements like the speaker, speaking manner, and gender. In this work, we postulate that computing deltas  for individual features maintain useful information which is mainly relevant to emotional traits while it minimizes the loss of emotionally irrelevant components, thus leading to fewer misclassifications. Additionally, Speech Emotion Recognition(SER) commonly experiences silent and emotionally unrelated frames. The proposed technique is quite good at picking up important feature representations for emotion relevant features. So here is a two  dimensional convolutional recurrent neural network that is attention-based to learn distinguishing characteristics and predict the emotions. The Mel-spectrogram is used for feature extraction. The suggested technique is conducted on IEMOCAP dataset and it has better performance, with 68% accuracy value

    Evaluating raw waveforms with deep learning frameworks for speech emotion recognition

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    Speech emotion recognition is a challenging task in speech processing field. For this reason, feature extraction process has a crucial importance to demonstrate and process the speech signals. In this work, we represent a model, which feeds raw audio files directly into the deep neural networks without any feature extraction stage for the recognition of emotions utilizing six different data sets, EMO-DB, RAVDESS, TESS, CREMA, SAVEE, and TESS+RAVDESS. To demonstrate the contribution of proposed model, the performance of traditional feature extraction techniques namely, mel-scale spectogram, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, are blended with machine learning algorithms, ensemble learning methods, deep and hybrid deep learning techniques. Support vector machine, decision tree, naive Bayes, random forests models are evaluated as machine learning algorithms while majority voting and stacking methods are assessed as ensemble learning techniques. Moreover, convolutional neural networks, long short-term memory networks, and hybrid CNN- LSTM model are evaluated as deep learning techniques and compared with machine learning and ensemble learning methods. To demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed model, the comparison with state-of-the-art studies are carried out. Based on the experiment results, CNN model excels existent approaches with 95.86% of accuracy for TESS+RAVDESS data set using raw audio files, thence determining the new state-of-the-art. The proposed model performs 90.34% of accuracy for EMO-DB with CNN model, 90.42% of accuracy for RAVDESS with CNN model, 99.48% of accuracy for TESS with LSTM model, 69.72% of accuracy for CREMA with CNN model, 85.76% of accuracy for SAVEE with CNN model in speaker-independent audio categorization problems.Comment: 14 pages, 6 Figures, 8 Table