3 research outputs found


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    The article presents the impact of window function used for preparing the spectrogram, on Polish emotional speech identification.. In conducted researches the following window functions were used: Hamming, Gauss, Dolph鈥揅hebyshev, Blackman, Nuttall, Blackman-Harris. The spectrogram processing method by artificial neural network (ANN) was also described in this article. Obtained results allowed to assess the effectiveness of identification process with the use of ANN. The average efficiency ranged from 70 % to more than 87%.Artyku艂 prezentuje wp艂yw doboru funkcji okna wykorzystywanej w procesie obliczania spektrogramu, na skuteczno艣膰 identyfikacji stanu emocjonalnego m贸wcy pos艂uguj膮cego si臋 mow膮 polsk膮. W badaniach wykorzystano nast臋puj膮ce funkcje okna: Hamminga, Gaussa, Dolpha鈥揅zebyszewa, Blackmana, Nuttalla, Blackmana-Harrisa. Ponadto zosta艂 przedstawiony spos贸b przetwarzania spektrogramu przez sztuczn膮 sie膰 neuronow膮 (SSN), odpowiedzialn膮 za identyfikacj臋 stanu emocjonalnego m贸wcy. Otrzymane wyniki pozwoli艂y na ocen臋 skuteczno艣ci rozpoznawania stanu emocjonalnego za pomoc膮 SSN. 艢rednia skuteczno艣膰 waha艂a si臋 od oko艂o 70% do ponad 87%


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    A Comprehensive Study on State-Of-Art Learning Algorithms in Emotion Recognition

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    The potential uses of emotion recognition in domains like human-robot interaction, marketing, emotional gaming, and human-computer interface have made it a prominent research subject. Better user experiences can result from the development of technologies that can accurately interpret and respond to human emotions thanks to a better understanding of emotions. The use of several sensors and computational algorithms is the main emphasis of this paper's thorough analysis of the developments in emotion recognition techniques. Our results show that using more than one modality improves the performance of emotion recognition when a variety of metrics and computational techniques are used. This paper adds to the body of knowledge by thoroughly examining and contrasting several state-of-art computational techniques and measurements for emotion recognition. The study emphasizes how crucial it is to use a variety of modalities along with cutting-edge machine learning algorithms in order to attain more precise and trustworthy emotion assessment. Additionally, we pinpoint prospective avenues for additional investigation and advancement, including the incorporation of multimodal data and the investigation of innovative features and fusion methodologies. This study contributes to the development of technology that can better comprehend and react to human emotions by offering practitioners and academics in the field of emotion recognition insightful advice