1 research outputs found

    Speculative synchronization for coherence-free embedded NUMA architectures

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    High-end embedded systems, like their general-purpose counterparts, are turning to many-core cluster-based shared-memory architectures that provide a shared memory abstraction subject to non-uniform memory access (NUMA) costs. In order to keep the cores and memory hierarchy simple, many-core embedded systems tend to employ simple, scratchpad-like memories, rather than hardware managed caches that require some form of cache coherence management. These \u201ccoherence-free\u201d systems still require some means to synchronize memory accesses and guarantee memory consistency. Conventional lock-based approaches may be employed to accomplish the synchronization, but may lead to both useability and performance issues. Instead, speculative synchronization, such as hardware transactional memory, may be a more attractive approach. However, hardware speculative techniques traditionally rely on the underlying cache-coherence protocol to synchronize memory accesses among the cores. The lack of a cache-coherence protocol adds new challenges in the design of hardware speculative support. In this paper, we present a new scheme for hardware transactional memory support within a cluster-based NUMA system that lacks an underlying cache-coherence protocol. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first design for speculative synchronization for this type of architecture. Through a set of benchmark experiments using our simulation platform, we show that our design can achieve significant performance improvements over traditional lock-based schemes