5 research outputs found

    Spectrum leasing to femto service provider with hybrid access

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    System capacity enhancement for 5G network and beyond

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    A thesis submitted to the University of Bedfordshire, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyThe demand for wireless digital data is dramatically increasing year over year. Wireless communication systems like Laptops, Smart phones, Tablets, Smart watch, Virtual Reality devices and so on are becoming an important part of people’s daily life. The number of mobile devices is increasing at a very fast speed as well as the requirements for mobile devices such as super high-resolution image/video, fast download speed, very short latency and high reliability, which raise challenges to the existing wireless communication networks. Unlike the previous four generation communication networks, the fifth-generation (5G) wireless communication network includes many technologies such as millimetre-wave communication, massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), visual light communication (VLC), heterogeneous network (HetNet) and so forth. Although 5G has not been standardised yet, these above technologies have been studied in both academia and industry and the goal of the research is to enhance and improve the system capacity for 5G networks and beyond by studying some key problems and providing some effective solutions existing in the above technologies from system implementation and hardware impairments’ perspective. The key problems studied in this thesis include interference cancellation in HetNet, impairments calibration for massive MIMO, channel state estimation for VLC, and low latency parallel Turbo decoding technique. Firstly, inter-cell interference in HetNet is studied and a cell specific reference signal (CRS) interference cancellation method is proposed to mitigate the performance degrade in enhanced inter-cell interference coordination (eICIC). This method takes carrier frequency offset (CFO) and timing offset (TO) of the user’s received signal into account. By reconstructing the interfering signal and cancelling it afterwards, the capacity of HetNet is enhanced. Secondly, for massive MIMO systems, the radio frequency (RF) impairments of the hardware will degrade the beamforming performance. When operated in time duplex division (TDD) mode, a massive MIMO system relies on the reciprocity of the channel which can be broken by the transmitter and receiver RF impairments. Impairments calibration has been studied and a closed-loop reciprocity calibration method is proposed in this thesis. A test device (TD) is introduced in this calibration method that can estimate the transmitters’ impairments over-the-air and feed the results back to the base station via the Internet. The uplink pilots sent by the TD can assist the BS receivers’ impairment estimation. With both the uplink and downlink impairments estimates, the reciprocity calibration coefficients can be obtained. By computer simulation and lab experiment, the performance of the proposed method is evaluated. Channel coding is an essential part of a wireless communication system which helps fight with noise and get correct information delivery. Turbo codes is one of the most reliable codes that has been used in many standards such as WiMAX and LTE. However, the decoding process of turbo codes is time-consuming and the decoding latency should be improved to meet the requirement of the future network. A reverse interleave address generator is proposed that can reduce the decoding time and a low latency parallel turbo decoder has been implemented on a FPGA platform. The simulation and experiment results prove the effectiveness of the address generator and show that there is a trade-off between latency and throughput with a limited hardware resource. Apart from the above contributions, this thesis also investigated multi-user precoding for MIMO VLC systems. As a green and secure technology, VLC is achieving more and more attention and could become a part of 5G network especially for indoor communication. For indoor scenario, the MIMO VLC channel could be easily ill-conditioned. Hence, it is important to study the impact of the channel state to the precoding performance. A channel state estimation method is proposed based on the signal to interference noise ratio (SINR) of the users’ received signal. Simulation results show that it can enhance the capacity of the indoor MIMO VLC system

    Optimization models for resource management in two-tier cellular networks

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    Macro-femtocell network is the most promising two-tier architecture for the cellular network operators because it can improve their current network capacity without additional costs. Nevertheless, the incorporation of femtocells to the existing cellular networks needs to be finely tuned in order to enhance the usage of the limited wireless resources, because the femtocells operate in the same spectrum as the macrocell. In this thesis, we address the resource optimization problem for the OFDMA two-tier networks for scenarios where femtocells are deployed using hybrid access policy. The hybrid access policy is a technique that could provide different levels of service to authorized users and visitors to the femtocell. This method reduces interference received by femtocell subscribers by granting access to nearby public users. These approaches should find a compromise between the level of access granted to public users and the impact on the subscribers satisfaction. This impact should be reduced in terms of performance or through economic compensation. In this work, two specific issues of an OFDMA two-tier cellular network are addressed. The first is the trade-off between macrocell resource usage efficiency and the fairness of the resource distribution among macro mobile users and femtocells. The second issue is the compromise between interference mitigation and granting access to public users without depriving the subscriber downlink transmissions. We tackle these issues by developing several resource allocation models for non-dense and dense femtocell deployment using Linear Programming and one evolutionary optimization method. In addition, the proposed resource allocation models determine the best suitable serving base station together with bandwidth and transmitted power per user in order to enhance the overall network capacity. The first two parts of this work cope with the resource optimization for non-dense deployment using orthogonal and co-channel allocation. Both parts aim at the maximization of the sum of the weighted user data rates. In the first part, several set of weights are introduced to prioritize the use of femtocells for subscribers and public users close to femtocells. In addition, macrocell power control is incorporated to enhance the power distribution among the active downlink transmissions and to improve the tolerance to the environmental noise. The second part enables the spectral reuse and the power adaptation is a three-folded solution that enhances the power distribution over the active downlink transmissions, improves the tolerance to the environmental noise and a given interference threshold, and achieves the target Quality of Service (QoS). To reduce the complexity of the resource optimization problem for dense deployment, the third part of this work divides the optimization problem into subproblems. The main idea is to divide the user and FC sets into disjoint sets taking into account their locations. Thus, the optimization problem can be solved independently in each OFDMA zone. This solution allows the subcarriers reuse among inner macrocell zones and femtocells located in outer macrocell zones and also between femtocells belonging to different clusters if they are located in the same zone. Macrocell power control is performed to avoid the cross-tier interference among macrocell inner zones and inside femtocells located in outer zones. Another well known method used to reduce the complexity of the resource optimization problem is the femtocell clustering. However, finding the optimal cluster configuration together with the resource allocation is a complex optimization problem due to variable number related to the possible cluster configurations. Therefore, the part four of this work deals with a heuristic cluster based resource allocation model and a motivation scheme for femtocell clustering through the allocation of extra resources for subscriber and “visitor user” transmissions. The cluster based resource allocation model maximizes the network throughput while keeping balanced clusters and minimizing the inter-cluster interference. Finally, the proposed solutions are evaluated through extensive numerical simulations and the numerical results are presented to provide a comparison with the related works found in the literature

    Price competition between a macrocell and a small-cell service provider with limited resources and optimal bandwidth user subscription: a game-theoretical model

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    [EN] The ever-increasing demand for higher data rates in wireless commutations provides a rationale for small cells deployment. While the physical and technological aspects of small-cell networks have been extensively studied in recent years, the economic analysis has received much less attention. We focus on the economic rationale for a small-cell service provider (SSP) operating a market where an incumbent macrocell service provider (MSP) exists, and competition develops. We analyze such scenario for the case of fixed users by means of Game Theory, specifically through a two-stage game: in the first stage each service provider posts its price according to a Stackelberg game where the MSP is the leader and the SSP is the follower; and, in the second stage, each user chooses both which provider to subscribe to and the optimal amount of bandwidth. A subgame perfect Nash equilibrium is used as a solution concept, and it is derived analytically. We show that the SSP has an incentive to operate in the market and its profit gets higher as SSP's resources increase. Furthermore, users benefit from SSP's operation, which may provide a rationale for a regulatory authority to grant the SSP access to the market, despite the fact that MSP's profit is harmed. Finally, we identify two modes of operation of the system, which depend on the SSP coverage: one where SSP's deployment is limited and the MSP strategy is not affected by SSP competition and takes only the users outside the SSP coverage; and another, where the SSP covers a large area and the MSP competes against the SSP taking a fraction of the users inside the small cells.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Grants TIN2013-47272-C2-1-R and BES-2011-045551.Romero-Chavarro, JC.; Guijarro, L.; Pla, V.; Vidal Catalá, JR. (2018). 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