3 research outputs found

    Spectral sensitivity of ALOS, ASTER, IKONOS, LANDSAT and SPOT satellite imagery intended for the detection of archaeological crop marks

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    This study compares the spectral sensitivity of remotely sensed satellite images, used for the detection of archaeological remains. This comparison was based on the relative spectral response (RSR) Filters of each sensor. Spectral signatures profiles were obtained using the GER-1500 field spectroradiometer under clear sky conditions for eight different targets. These field spectral signature curves were simulated to ALOS, ASTER, IKONOS, Landsat 7-ETM+, Landsat 4-TM, Landsat 5-TM and SPOT 5. Red and near infrared (NIR) bandwidth reflectance were re-calculated to each one of these sensors using appropriate RSR Filters. Moreover, the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and simple ratio (SR) vegetation profiles were analysed in order to evaluate their sensitivity to sensors spectral filters. The results have shown that IKONOS RSR filters can better distinguish buried archaeological remains as a result of difference in healthy and stress vegetation (approximately 1–8% difference in reflectance of the red and NIR band and nearly 0.07 to the NDVI profile). In comparison, all the other sensors showed similar results and sensitivities. This difference of IKONOS sensor might be a result of its spectral characteristics (bandwidths and RSR filters) since they are different from the rest of sensors compared in this study

    Spectral sensitivity of ALOS, ASTER, IKONOS, LANDSAT and SPOT satellite imagery intended for the detection of archaeological crop marks

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    This study compares the spectral sensitivity of remotely sensed satellite images, used for the detection of archaeological remains. This comparison was based on the relative spectral response (RSR) Filters of each sensor. Spectral signatures profiles were obtained using the GER-1500 field spectroradiometer under clear sky conditions for eight different targets. These field spectral signature curves were simulated to ALOS, ASTER, IKONOS, Landsat 7-ETM+, Landsat 4-TM, Landsat 5-TM and SPOT 5. Red and near infrared (NIR) bandwidth reflectance were re-calculated to each one of these sensors using appropriate RSR Filters. Moreover, the normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and simple ratio (SR) vegetation profiles were analysed in order to evaluate their sensitivity to sensors spectral filters. The results have shown that IKONOS RSR filters can better distinguish buried archaeological remains as a result of difference in healthy and stress vegetation (approximately 1-8% difference in reflectance of the red and NIR band and nearly 0.07 to the NDVI profile). In comparison, all the other sensors showed similar results and sensitivities. This difference of IKONOS sensor might be a result of its spectral characteristics (bandwidths and RSR filters) since they are different from the rest of sensors compared in this study

    Investigating the groundwater dependence and response to rainfall variability of vegetation in the Touws river and catchment using remote sensing

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    Magister Artium - MAChanges in climate patterns have raised concerns for environmentalists globally and across southern Africa. The changes greatly affect the growth dynamics of vegetation to such an extent that climate elements such as rainfall have become the most important determinant of vegetation growth. In arid and semi-arid environments, vegetation relies on near-surface groundwater as the main source of water. Changes in the environment due to climate can be examined by using remotely sensed data. This approach offers an affordable and easy means of monitoring the impact of climate variability on vegetation growth. This study examined the response of vegetation to rainfall and temperature, and assessed the dependence thereof on groundwater in a climatically variable region of the semi-arid Karoo. The methodology used included sampling plant species in the riparian and non-riparian areas over two plant communities in seven vegetation plots. The Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) derived from the Landsat OLI and TM was used to measure vegetation productivity. This was compared with rainfall totals derived from the Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (CHIRPS) and the mean monthly temperature totals. A drought index, (Standardised Precipitation Index – SPI) was an additional analysis to investigate rainfall variability. Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA) and Maximum Likelihood supervised classification approaches together with indicators of groundwater discharge areas (Topographic Wetness Index – TWI, and profile curvature) were used to map vegetation and surface water that depend on groundwater