13 research outputs found

    Spectral analysis of the truncated Hilbert transform with overlap

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    We study a restriction of the Hilbert transform as an operator HTH_T from L2(a2,a4)L^2(a_2,a_4) to L2(a1,a3)L^2(a_1,a_3) for real numbers a1<a2<a3<a4a_1 < a_2 < a_3 < a_4. The operator HTH_T arises in tomographic reconstruction from limited data, more precisely in the method of differentiated back-projection (DBP). There, the reconstruction requires recovering a family of one-dimensional functions ff supported on compact intervals [a2,a4][a_2,a_4] from its Hilbert transform measured on intervals [a1,a3][a_1,a_3] that might only overlap, but not cover [a2,a4][a_2,a_4]. We show that the inversion of HTH_T is ill-posed, which is why we investigate the spectral properties of HTH_T. We relate the operator HTH_T to a self-adjoint two-interval Sturm-Liouville problem, for which we prove that the spectrum is discrete. The Sturm-Liouville operator is found to commute with HTH_T, which then implies that the spectrum of HTβˆ—HTH_T^* H_T is discrete. Furthermore, we express the singular value decomposition of HTH_T in terms of the solutions to the Sturm-Liouville problem. The singular values of HTH_T accumulate at both 00 and 11, implying that HTH_T is not a compact operator. We conclude by illustrating the properties obtained for HTH_T numerically.Comment: 24 pages, revised versio

    Stability estimates for the regularized inversion of the truncated Hilbert transform

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    In limited data computerized tomography, the 2D or 3D problem can be reduced to a family of 1D problems using the differentiated backprojection (DBP) method. Each 1D problem consists of recovering a compactly supported function f∈L2(F)f \in L^2(\mathcal F), where F\mathcal F is a finite interval, from its partial Hilbert transform data. When the Hilbert transform is measured on a finite interval G\mathcal G that only overlaps but does not cover F\mathcal F this inversion problem is known to be severely ill-posed [1]. In this paper, we study the reconstruction of ff restricted to the overlap region F∩G\mathcal F \cap \mathcal G. We show that with this restriction and by assuming prior knowledge on the L2L^2 norm or on the variation of ff, better stability with H\"older continuity (typical for mildly ill-posed problems) can be obtained.Comment: added one remark, larger fonts for axis labels in figure