16 research outputs found

    Self-Stabilizing Supervised Publish-Subscribe Systems

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    In this paper we present two major results: First, we introduce the first self-stabilizing version of a supervised overlay network by presenting a self-stabilizing supervised skip ring. Secondly, we show how to use the self-stabilizing supervised skip ring to construct an efficient self-stabilizing publish-subscribe system. That is, in addition to stabilizing the overlay network, every subscriber of a topic will eventually know all of the publications that have been issued so far for that topic. The communication work needed to processes a subscribe or unsubscribe operation is just a constant in a legitimate state, and the communication work of checking whether the system is still in a legitimate state is just a constant on expectation for the supervisor as well as any process in the system

    A proof environment for the development of group communication systems

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    A Coded Shared Atomic Memory Algorithm for Message Passing Architectures

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    This paper considers the communication and storage costs of emulating atomic (linearizable) multi-writer multi-reader shared memory in distributed message-passing systems. The paper contains three main contributions: (1) We present a atomic shared-memory emulation algorithm that we call Coded Atomic Storage (CAS). This algorithm uses erasure coding methods. In a storage system with 'N' servers that is resilient to 'f' server failures, we show that the communication cost of CAS is N/(N-2f) . The storage cost of CAS is unbounded. (2) We present a modification of the CAS algorithm known as CAS with Garbage Collection (CASGC). The CASGC algorithm is parametrized by an integer 'd' and has a bounded storage cost. We show that in every execution where the number of write operations that are concurrent with a read operation is no bigger than 'd', the CASGC algorithm with parameter 'd' satisfies atomicity and liveness. We explicitly characterize the storage cost of CASGC, and show that it has the same communication cost as CASGC. (3) We describe an algorithm known as the Communication Cost Optimal Atomic Storage (CCOAS) algorithm that achieves a smaller communication cost than CAS and CASGC. In particular, CCOAS incurs read and write communication costs of N/(N-f) measured in terms of number of object values. We also discuss drawbacks of CCOAS as compared with CAS and CASGC

    Optimistic replication

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    Data replication is a key technology in distributed data sharing systems, enabling higher availability and performance. This paper surveys optimistic replication algorithms that allow replica contents to diverge in the short term, in order to support concurrent work practices and to tolerate failures in low-quality communication links. The importance of such techniques is increasing as collaboration through wide-area and mobile networks becomes popular. Optimistic replication techniques are different from traditional “pessimistic ” ones. Instead of synchronous replica coordination, an optimistic algorithm propagates changes in the background, discovers conflicts after they happen and reaches agreement on the final contents incrementally. We explore the solution space for optimistic replication algorithms. This paper identifies key challenges facing optimistic replication systems — ordering operations, detecting and resolving conflicts, propagating changes efficiently, and bounding replica divergence — and provides a comprehensive survey of techniques developed for addressing these challenges

    Group communication in partitionable systems: specification and algorithms

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    Dynamic Input/Output Automata: a Formal and Compositional Model for Dynamic Systems

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    We present dynamic I/O automata (DIOA), a compositional model of dynamic systems, based on I/O automata. In our model, automata can be created and destroyed dynamically, as computation proceeds. In addition, an automaton can dynamically change its signature, that is, the set of actions in which it can participate. This allows us to model mobility, by enforcing the constraint that only automata at the same location may synchronize on common actions. Our model features operators for parallel composition, action hiding, and action renaming. It also features a notion of automaton creation, and a notion of trace inclusion from one dynamic system to another, which can be used to prove that one system implements the other. Our model is hierarchical: a dynamically changing system of interacting automata is itself modeled as a single automaton that is "one level higher." This can be repeated, so that an automaton that represents such a dynamic system can itself be created and destroyed. We can thus model the addition and removal of entire subsystems with a single action. We establish fundamental compositionality results for DIOA: if one component is replaced by another whose traces are a subset of the former, then the set of traces of the system as a whole can only be reduced, and not increased, i.e., no new behaviors are added. That is, parallel composition, action hiding, and action renaming, are all monotonic with respect to trace inclusion. We also show that, under certain technical conditions, automaton creation is monotonic with respect to trace inclusion: if a system creates automaton Ai instead of (previously) creating automaton A'i, and the traces of Ai are a subset of the traces of A'i,then the set of traces of the overall system is possibly reduced, but not increased. Our trace inclusion results imply that trace equivalence is a congruence relation with respect to parallel composition, action hiding, and action renaming. Our trace inclusion results enable a design and refinement methodology based solely on the notion of externally visible behavior, and which is therefore independent of specific methods of establishing trace inclusion. It permits the refinement of components and subsystems in isolation from the entire system, and provides more flexibility in refinement than a methodology which is, for example, based on the monotonicity of forward simulation with respect to parallel composition. In the latter, every automaton must be refined using forward simulation, whereas in our framework different automata can be refined using different methods. The DIOA model was defined to support the analysis of mobile agent systems, in a joint project with researchers at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone. It can also be used for other forms of dynamic systems, such as systems described by means of object-oriented programs, and systems containing services with changing access permissions

    Rigorous Design of Distributed Transactions

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    Database replication is traditionally envisaged as a way of increasing fault-tolerance and availability. It is advantageous to replicate the data when transaction workload is predominantly read-only. However, updating replicated data within a transactional framework is a complex affair due to failures and race conditions among conflicting transactions. This thesis investigates various mechanisms for the management of replicas in a large distributed system, formalizing and reasoning about the behavior of such systems using Event-B. We begin by studying current approaches for the management of replicated data and explore the use of broadcast primitives for processing transactions. Subsequently, we outline how a refinement based approach can be used for the development of a reliable replicated database system that ensures atomic commitment of distributed transactions using ordered broadcasts. Event-B is a formal technique that consists of describing rigorously the problem in an abstract model, introducing solutions or design details in refinement steps to obtain more concrete specifications, and verifying that the proposed solutions are correct. This technique requires the discharge of proof obligations for consistency checking and refinement checking. The B tools provide significant automated proof support for generation of the proof obligations and discharging them. The majority of the proof obligations are proved by the automatic prover of the tools. However, some complex proof obligations require interaction with the interactive prover. These proof obligations also help discover new system invariants. The proof obligations and the invariants help us to understand the complexity of the problem and the correctness of the solutions. They also provide a clear insight into the system and enhance our understanding of why a design decision should work. The objective of the research is to demonstrate a technique for the incremental construction of formal models of distributed systems and reasoning about them, to develop the technique for the discovery of gluing invariants due to prover failure to automatically discharge a proof obligation and to develop guidelines for verification of distributed algorithms using the technique of abstraction and refinement

    Design and analysis of distributed primitives for mobile ad hoc networks

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    This dissertation focuses on the design and analysis of distributed primitives for mobile ad hoc networks, in which mobile hosts are free to move arbitrarily. Arbitrary mobility adds unpredictability to the topology changes experienced by the network, which poses a serious challenge for the design and analysis of reliable protocols. In this work, three different approaches are used to handle mobility. The first part of the dissertation employs the simple technique of ignoring the mobility and showing a lower bound for the static case, which also holds in the mobile case. In particular, a lower bound on the worstcase running time of a previously known token circulation algorithm is proved. In the second part of the dissertation, a self-stabilizing mutual exclusion algorithm is proposed for mobile ad hoc networks, which is based on dynamic virtual rings formed by circulating tokens. The difficulties resulting from mobility are dealt with in the analysis by showing which properties hold for several kinds of mobile behavior; in particular, it is shown that mutual exclusion always holds and different levels of progress hold depending on how the mobility affects the token circulation. The third part of the dissertation presents two broadcasting protocols which propagate a message from a source node to all of the nodes in the network. Instead of relying on the frequently changing topology, the protocols depend on a less frequently changing and more stable characteristic â the distribution of mobile hosts. Constraints on distribution and mobility of mobile nodes are given which guarantee that all the nodes receive the broadcast data