4 research outputs found

    Security Policy Specification Using a Graphical Approach

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    A security policy states the acceptable actions of an information system, as the actions bear on security. There is a pressing need for organizations to declare their security policies, even informal statements would be better than the current practice. But, formal policy statements are preferable to support (1) reasoning about policies, e.g., for consistency and completeness, (2) automated enforcement of the policy, e.g., using wrappers around legacy systems or after the fact with an intrusion detection system, and (3) other formal manipulation of policies, e.g., the composition of policies. We present LaSCO, the Language for Security Constraints on Objects, in which a policy consists of two parts: the domain (assumptions about the system) and the requirement (what is allowed assuming the domain is satisfied). Thus policies defined in LaSCO have the appearance of conditional access control statements. LaSCO policies are specified as expressions in logic and as directed graphs, giving a visual view of policy. LaSCO has a simple semantics in first order logic (which we provide), thus permitting policies we write, even for complex policies, to be very perspicuous. LaSCO has syntax to express many of the situations we have found to be useful on policies or, more interesting, the composition of policies. LaSCO has an object-oriented structure, permitting it to be useful to describe policies on the objects and methods of an application written in an object-oriented language, in addition to the traditional policies on operating system objects. A LaSCO specification can be automatically translated into executable code that checks an invocation of a program with respect to a policy. The implementation of LaSCO is in Java, and generates wrappers to check Java programs with respect to a policy.Comment: 28 pages, 22 figures, in color (but color is not essential for viewing); UC Davis CS department technical report (July 22, 1998

    Formalization Of Input And Output In Modern Operating Systems: The Hadley Model

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    We present the Hadley model, a formal descriptive model of input and output for modern computer operating systems. Our model is intentionally inspired by the Open Systems Interconnection model of networking; I/O as a process is defined as a set of translations between a set of computer-sensible forms, or layers, of information. To illustrate an initial application domain, we discuss the utility of the Hadley model and a potential associated I/O system as a tool for digital forensic investigators. To illustrate practical uses of the Hadley model we present the Hadley Specification Language, an essentially functional language designed to allow the translations that comprise I/O to be written in a concise format allowing for relatively easy verifiability. To further illustrate the utility of the language we present a read/write Microsoft DOS FAT12 and read-only Linux ext2 file system specification written in the new format. We prove the correctness of the read-only side of these descriptions. We present test results from operation of our HSL-driven system both in user mode on stored disk images and as part of a Linux kernel module allowing file systems to be read. We conclude by discussing future directions for the research

    Specifying and Checking Unix Security Constraints

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    We describe a system called Mir'o for specifying and checking security constraints. Our system is general because it is not tied to any particular operating system. It is flexible because users express security policies in a formal specification language, so it is easy to extend or modify a policy simply by augmenting or changing the specification for the current policy. Finally, our system is expressive enough to describe many relations on file system configurations; however, it is not expressive enough to describe more subtle security holes like Trojan horses or weaknesses in the passwords chosen by the system's users. This paper is a case study of the Mir'o languages and tools. We show how to represent various Unix security constraints --- including those described in a well-known paper on Unix security [5] --- using our graphical specification language. We then describe the results we obtained from running our tools to check an actual Unix file system against these cons..