3 research outputs found

    Specifying time-sensitive systems with TLA+

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    International audienceWe present a pattern-based method to express time specifications in the language TLA+. A real-time module RealTimeNew is introduced to encapsulate the definitions of commonly used time patterns. We present a general framework to differentiate the temporal characterizations from system functionality with time constraints. The temporal specification is concise and provably as a refinement of its corresponding functional description without time. The method ameliorates the usability of TLA+ in specifying and verifying time-sensitive systems. A case study is harnessed to illustrate and validate the approach

    تطوير نموذج تجريدي لتوصيف خصائص الشبكات المتغيرة

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    نظراً للعدد الكبير من قواعد النفاذ المعرفة للشبكات والتغير الديناميكي لطوبولوجيا الشبكات, فإن التحقق اليدوي من الخواص المهمة في الشبكة مثل الوصولية, عدم تضارب القواعد وعدم وجود حلقات أمراً صعباً على المبرمج. يعدَ التوصيف الصوري(Formal Specification) للأنظمة والبروتوكولات من أهم الطرق التي تستخدم لإزالة الغموض في تعريفات الأنظمة واكتشاف الثغرات في عملها. هناك العديد من الأبحاث التي قدمت في مجال توصيف وصولية الرزم في الشبكات لكن القليل منها تم اختبارها عبر أدوات فحص النماذج التي تساعد في كشف أخطاء هذه النماذج. في هذا البحث تم تطوير نموذج تجريدي من أجل توصيف الشبكات الديناميكية ليصبح مناسباً للتحقق من مجموعة من الخصائص المهمة ومنها وصولية الرزم, عدم وجود التضاربات..الخ اعتماداً على ترميز حالة الشبكة. تم تحقيق النموذج المقترح الذي يوصف الشبكة بواسطة لغة المنطق المؤقت للأفعال(Temporal Logic of Action) ,TLA+ والتي هي عبارة عن لغة توصيف عالية المستوى, تعتمد على نظرية المجموعات والجبر المنطقي الأولي. تم تحليل النموذج وفحص خصائصه باستخدام أداة فحص النماذج TLCالمستخدمة مع الأداة TLA, تظهر النتائج صحة النموذج وتحسيناً من ناحية تخفيض زمن استجابة وعدد الحالات المطلوبة للحصول على نتيجة التحقق. According to the large number of the access rules that define the networks, and the dynamic changing of the network topology, that is the verification by hand of the important properties in the network such as reachability, access rules conflict free and loop free is so hard to accomplish by the programmer. Formal specification of systems and protocols is considered one of the most important methods that is used to eliminate the ambiguous of the system configurations and find bugs of its work. A lot of the researches have been introduced in packet reachability and network specification domain, but a little of them are checked and analyzed by model checkers which help to detect the errors of these models. In this paper an abstraction model for dynamic networks specification has been introduced and developed to be appropriate for several important properties of the network such as reachability, no conflict..etc, depending on the network state. The proposed model specification is implemented by TLA+(Temporal Logic of Action) language which is a high level specification language built on Set-theory and First Order Logic, the model has been analyzed and the properties are checked by TLC model checking tool which used by TLA tool. Results show the correctness of the model, and improvement in reducing the response time and the required states to get the result of the verification

    A Comprehensive Study of Declarative Modelling Languages

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    Declarative behavioural modelling is a powerful modelling paradigm that enables users to model system functionality abstractly and formally. An abstract model is a concise and compact representation of key characteristics of a system, and enables the stakeholders to reason about the correctness of the system in the early stages of development. There are many different declarative languages and they have greatly varying constructs for representing a transition system, and they sometimes differ in rather subtle ways. In this thesis, we compare seven formal declarative modelling languages B, Event-B, Alloy, Dash, TLA+, PlusCal, and AsmetaL on several criteria. We classify these criteria under three main categories: structuring transition systems (control modelling), data descriptions in transition systems (data modelling), and modularity aspects of modelling. We developed this comparison by completing a set of case studies across the data- vs. control-oriented spectrum in all of the above languages. Structurally, a transition system is comprised of a snapshot declaration and snapshot space, initialization, and a transition relation, which is potentially composed of individual transitions. We meticulously outline the differences between the languages with respect to how the modeller would express each of the above components of a transition system in each language, and include discussions regarding stuttering and inconsistencies in the transition relation. Data-related aspects of a formal model include use of basic and composite datatypes, well-formedness and typechecking, and separation of name spaces with respect to global and local variables. Modularity criteria includes subtransition systems and data decomposition. We employ a series of small and concise exemplars we have devised to highlight these differences in each language. To help modellers answer the important question of which declarative modelling language may be most suited for modelling their system, we present recommendations based on our observations about the differentiating characteristics of each of these languages