3 research outputs found

    An Evidence-based Roadmap for IoT Software Systems Engineering

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    Context: The Internet of Things (IoT) has brought expectations for software inclusion in everyday objects. However, it has challenges and requires multidisciplinary technical knowledge involving different areas that should be combined to enable IoT software systems engineering. Goal: To present an evidence-based roadmap for IoT development to support developers in specifying, designing, and implementing IoT systems. Method: An iterative approach based on experimental studies to acquire evidence to define the IoT Roadmap. Next, the Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge life cycle was used to organize the roadmap and set temporal dimensions for IoT software systems engineering. Results: The studies revealed seven IoT Facets influencing IoT development. The IoT Roadmap comprises 117 items organized into 29 categories representing different concerns for each Facet. In addition, an experimental study was conducted observing a real case of a healthcare IoT project, indicating the roadmap applicability. Conclusions: The IoT Roadmap can be a feasible instrument to assist IoT software systems engineering because it can (a) support researchers and practitioners in understanding and characterizing the IoT and (b) provide a checklist to identify the applicable recommendations for engineering IoT software systems

    Processos da engenharia de requisitos no contexto de internet das coisas (IoT) e técnicas de validação de requisitos

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2021.A Internet das Coisas possibilitou um engrandecimento nas possibilidades de automação e de facilitação do cotidiano das pessoas. Desde automação residencial até a edifícios inteligentes, o aumento da popularidade da IoT traz um desafio para o desenvolvimento de software e a engenharia de requisitos. Desenvolvedores e empresas não estão familiarizados com os processos e técnicas de validação de requisitos existentes no contexto de sistema IoT. Por conta disso, possíveis falhas de projeto e retrabalhos durante o desenvolvimento de software são problemas a serem considerados pelas equipes de desenvolvimento. O objetivo desse artigo é investigar na literatura os processos de engenharia de requisitos no contexto de IoT e as técnicas de validação de requisitos utilizadas. Além disso, apresentar um guia para apoiar as equipes de desenvolvimento de software a ter acesso fácil aos processos e técnicas propostas na literatura para este contexto. Nós realizamos um survey com os practitioners da indústria para investigar se eles usam e conhecem os processos e técnicas identificadas na literatura. Nossos achados revelam que a técnica mais utilizada pelos practitioners para realizar a especificação de requisitos são as reuniões com as partes interessadas e brainstorming e para validar requisitos são utilizados os protótipos e casos de uso.The Internet of Things made possible an increase in the possibilities of automation and facilitation of people’s daily lives. From home automation to smart buildings, the rise in IoT’s popularity brings a challenge to software development and requirements engineering. Developers and companies are not familiar with the requirements validation processes and techniques that exist in the context of an IoT system. Therefore, possible project failures and rework during software development are issues to be considered by development teams. The aim of this article is to investigate the requirements engineering processes in the IoT context and the requirements validation techniques used in the literature. Also, present a guide to support software development teams to have easy access to the processes and techniques proposed in the literature for this context. We conducted a survey of industry practitioners to investigate whether they use and know the processes and techniques identified in the literature. Our findings reveal that the technique most used by practitioners to perform requirements specification are stakeholders meeting and brainstorming and to validate requirements are prototypes and use cases