5 research outputs found

    The Semantic eBusiness Vision

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    Much work is required to understand how the conceptualizations that comprise business processes across the extended enterprise can be captured, represented, shared, and processed by both human and intelligent software agents. This effort will ultimately lead to transparent and secure information and knowledge flows in service and supply chains to increase economic efficiency in the digital economy

    A Personal Information Auction: Measuring the Differential Value of Privacy

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    Emergency Response Information System Interoperability: Development of Chemical Incident Response Data Model

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    Emergency response requires an efficient information supply chain for the smooth operations of intra- and inter-organizational emergency management processes. However, the breakdown of this information supply chain due to the lack of consistent data standards presents a significant problem. In this paper, we adopt a theory- driven novel approach to develop an XML-based data model that prescribes a comprehensive set of data standards (semantics and internal structures) for emergency management to better address the challenges of information interoperability. Actual documents currently being used in mitigating chemical emergencies from a large number of incidents are used in the analysis stage. The data model development is guided by Activity Theory and is validated through a RFC-like process used in standards development. This paper applies the standards to the real case of a chemical incident scenario. Further, it complies with the national leading initiatives in emergency standards (National Information Exchange Model

    Achieving Interoperability in E-government Services with two Modes of Semantic Bridging:

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    Abstract Data heterogeneity in the public sector is a serious problem and remains to be a key issue as different naming conventions are used to represent similar data labels. The e-government effort in many countries has provided a platform for government entities and their business partners to exchange data through Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and standards such as RosettaNet (B2B data exchange standard), EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport), XML (Extensible Markup Language) and EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). However, e-government efforts have not really resolved data heterogeneity problems significantly due to limitation of these standards. One such limitation is the inability of data inheritance. In order to solve this problem with emphasis on Service Oriented Architectures (SOA) and Web Services, a semantically enriched web service for the public sector is needed. Thus we propose an ontology-based solution which allows data inheritance and polymorphism. This goal of this paper is to show how heterogeneous e-government documents can be semantically matched. We propose a shared hierarchical knowledge repository approach and a detailed process methodology for semantic mediation. A two-part semantic mediation approach using SRS (Semantic Relatedness Scores) and SWRL (Semantic Web Rule Language) is highlighted. Both measures are complimentary and provide the semantics necessary for resolving schema heterogeneity. Our approach incorporates a rule-based engine that reads and executes SWRL rules (i.e. RacerPro). We also adopted several tools for proof-of-concept such as Protégé (i.e. ontology editor) and JESS (Java Expert Shell System)

    Sector de I+D. Estructuras de organización, competencias del gestor de proyectos y del investigador principal

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    En el siguiente trabajo se realiza una revisión bibliográfica del sector de I+D de alcance internacional y se analizan las estrategias de organización de los grupos de trabajo para el logro de sus objetivos. En particular, se establece el estado del arte de los tipos principales de proyectos que se realizan en el sector, las características principales de sus integrantes y en particular las del Investigador Principal (IP) y aquel que gestiona el proyecto y las competencias requeridas en estas posiciones. Se identifica una metodología que permite identificar las características del proyecto de I+D, junto con las metodologías y herramientas de gestión que se adecuan a cada tipo de proyectos.Fil: Guiridlian Guarino, M. Clara. Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales; Argentina