4 research outputs found

    Linking archival data to location A case study at the UK National Archives

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    Purpose The National Archives (TNA) is the UK Government's official archive. It stores and maintains records spanning over a 1,000 years in both physical and digital form. Much of the information held by TNA includes references to place and frequently user queries to TNA's online catalogue involve searches for location. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate how TNA have extracted the geographic references in their historic data to improve access to the archives. Design/methodology/approach To be able to quickly enhance the existing archival data with geographic information, existing technologies from Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Geographical Information Retrieval (GIR) have been utilised and adapted to historical archives. Findings Enhancing the archival records with geographic information has enabled TNA to quickly develop a number of case studies highlighting how geographic information can improve access to large‐scale archival collections. The use of existing methods from the GIR domain and technologies, such as OpenLayers, enabled one to quickly implement this process in a way that is easily transferable to other institutions. Practical implications The methods and technologies described in this paper can be adapted, by other archives, to similarly enhance access to their historic data. Also the data‐sharing methods described can be used to enable the integration of knowledge held at different archival institutions. Originality/value Place is one of the core dimensions for TNA's archival data. Many of the records which are held make reference to place data (wills, legislation, court cases), and approximately one fifth of users' searches involve place names. However, there are still a number of open questions regarding the adaptation of existing GIR methods to the history domain. This paper presents an overview over available GIR methods and the challenges in applying them to historical data

    Special Issue on Information Access to Cultural Heritage

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    This special issue grew out of the Workshop on Information Access to Cultural Heritage, which was held in conjunction with the European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) in Aarhus, Denmark in late 2008. The workshop brought together researchers in the area of information access technology and practitioners working in the cultural heritage field to consider the new ways in which technological developments can promote and support access to cultural heritage content

    Information Access to Cultural Heritage

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    Via http://arcana.twoday.net/stories/6121985 Journal of Digital Information Vol 10, No 6 (2009) Editorials Special Issue on Information Access to Cultural Heritage Martha Larson, Kate Fernie, Johan Oomen Articles Towards Affordable Disclosure of Spoken Heritage Archives Roeland Ordelman, Willemijn Heeren, Marijn Huijbregts, Franciska de Jong, Djoerd Hiemstra Advanced Information Access to Parliamentary Debates Maarten Marx User needs in television archive access: Acquiring knowledge necessary..

    Information Access to Cultural Heritage

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    Via http://arcana.twoday.net/stories/6121985 Journal of Digital Information Vol 10, No 6 (2009) Editorials Special Issue on Information Access to Cultural Heritage Martha Larson, Kate Fernie, Johan Oomen Articles Towards Affordable Disclosure of Spoken Heritage Archives Roeland Ordelman, Willemijn Heeren, Marijn Huijbregts, Franciska de Jong, Djoerd Hiemstra Advanced Information Access to Parliamentary Debates Maarten Marx User needs in television archive access: Acquiring knowledge necessary..