110 research outputs found

    Evaluation framework for context-aware speaker recognition in noisy smart living environments

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    The integration of voice control into connected devices is expected to improve the efficiency and comfort of our daily lives. However, the underlying biometric systems often impose constraints on the individual or the environment during interaction (e.g., quiet surroundings). Such constraints have to be surmounted in order to seamlessly recognize individuals. In this paper, we propose an evaluation framework for speaker recognition in noisy smart living environments. To this end, we designed a taxonomy of sounds (e.g., home-related, mechanical) that characterize representative indoor and outdoor environments where speaker recognition is adopted. Then, we devised an approach for off-line simulation of challenging noisy conditions in vocal audios originally collected under controlled environments, by leveraging our taxonomy. Our approach adds a (combination of) sound(s) belonging to the target environment into the current vocal example. Experiments on a large-scale public dataset and two state-of-the-art speaker recognition models show that adding certain background sounds to clean vocal audio leads to a substantial deterioration of recognition performance. In several noisy settings, our findings reveal that a speaker recognition model might end up to make unreliable decisions. Our framework is intended to help system designers evaluate performance deterioration and develop speaker recognition models more robust to smart living environments

    Parrot-Trained Adversarial Examples: Pushing the Practicality of Black-Box Audio Attacks against Speaker Recognition Models

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    Audio adversarial examples (AEs) have posed significant security challenges to real-world speaker recognition systems. Most black-box attacks still require certain information from the speaker recognition model to be effective (e.g., keeping probing and requiring the knowledge of similarity scores). This work aims to push the practicality of the black-box attacks by minimizing the attacker's knowledge about a target speaker recognition model. Although it is not feasible for an attacker to succeed with completely zero knowledge, we assume that the attacker only knows a short (or a few seconds) speech sample of a target speaker. Without any probing to gain further knowledge about the target model, we propose a new mechanism, called parrot training, to generate AEs against the target model. Motivated by recent advancements in voice conversion (VC), we propose to use the one short sentence knowledge to generate more synthetic speech samples that sound like the target speaker, called parrot speech. Then, we use these parrot speech samples to train a parrot-trained(PT) surrogate model for the attacker. Under a joint transferability and perception framework, we investigate different ways to generate AEs on the PT model (called PT-AEs) to ensure the PT-AEs can be generated with high transferability to a black-box target model with good human perceptual quality. Real-world experiments show that the resultant PT-AEs achieve the attack success rates of 45.8% - 80.8% against the open-source models in the digital-line scenario and 47.9% - 58.3% against smart devices, including Apple HomePod (Siri), Amazon Echo, and Google Home, in the over-the-air scenario

    Comparison of VQ and DTW classifiers for speaker verification

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.---- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE.An investigation into the relative speaker verification performance of various types of vector quantisation (VQ) and dynamic time warping (DTW) classifiers is presented. The study covers a number of algorithmic issues involved in the above classifiers, and examines the effects of these on the verification accuracy. The experiments are based on the use of a subset from the Brent (telephone quality) speech database. This subset consists of repetitions of isolated digit utterances 1 to 9 and zero. The paper describes the experimental work, and presents an analysis of the results

    Smart Exposition Rooms: The Ambient Intelligence View

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    We introduce our research on smart environments, in particular research on smart meeting rooms and investigate how research approaches here can be used in the context of smart museum environments. We distinguish the identification of domain knowledge, its use in sensory perception, its use in interpretation and modeling of events and acts in smart environments and we have some observations on off-line browsing and on-line remote participation in events in smart environments. It is argued that large-scale European research in the area of ambient intelligence will be an impetus to the research and development of smart galleries and museum spaces

    Multi-Domain Adaptation by Self-Supervised Learning for Speaker Verification

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    In real-world applications, speaker recognition models often face various domain-mismatch challenges, leading to a significant drop in performance. Although numerous domain adaptation techniques have been developed to address this issue, almost all present methods focus on a simple configuration where the model is trained in one domain and deployed in another. However, real-world environments are often complex and may contain multiple domains, making the methods designed for one-to-one adaptation suboptimal. In our paper, we propose a self-supervised learning method to tackle this multi-domain adaptation problem. Building upon the basic self-supervised adaptation algorithm, we designed three strategies to make it suitable for multi-domain adaptation: an in-domain negative sampling strategy, a MoCo-like memory bank scheme, and a CORAL-like distribution alignment. We conducted experiments using VoxCeleb2 as the source domain dataset and CN-Celeb1 as the target multi-domain dataset. Our results demonstrate that our method clearly outperforms the basic self-supervised adaptation method, which simply treats the data of CN-Celeb1 as a single domain. Importantly, the improvement is consistent in nearly all in-domain tests and cross-domain tests, demonstrating the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: submitted to ICASSP 202
