1,638 research outputs found

    On Robust Face Recognition via Sparse Encoding: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

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    In the field of face recognition, Sparse Representation (SR) has received considerable attention during the past few years. Most of the relevant literature focuses on holistic descriptors in closed-set identification applications. The underlying assumption in SR-based methods is that each class in the gallery has sufficient samples and the query lies on the subspace spanned by the gallery of the same class. Unfortunately, such assumption is easily violated in the more challenging face verification scenario, where an algorithm is required to determine if two faces (where one or both have not been seen before) belong to the same person. In this paper, we first discuss why previous attempts with SR might not be applicable to verification problems. We then propose an alternative approach to face verification via SR. Specifically, we propose to use explicit SR encoding on local image patches rather than the entire face. The obtained sparse signals are pooled via averaging to form multiple region descriptors, which are then concatenated to form an overall face descriptor. Due to the deliberate loss spatial relations within each region (caused by averaging), the resulting descriptor is robust to misalignment & various image deformations. Within the proposed framework, we evaluate several SR encoding techniques: l1-minimisation, Sparse Autoencoder Neural Network (SANN), and an implicit probabilistic technique based on Gaussian Mixture Models. Thorough experiments on AR, FERET, exYaleB, BANCA and ChokePoint datasets show that the proposed local SR approach obtains considerably better and more robust performance than several previous state-of-the-art holistic SR methods, in both verification and closed-set identification problems. The experiments also show that l1-minimisation based encoding has a considerably higher computational than the other techniques, but leads to higher recognition rates

    Homomorphic Encryption for Speaker Recognition: Protection of Biometric Templates and Vendor Model Parameters

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    Data privacy is crucial when dealing with biometric data. Accounting for the latest European data privacy regulation and payment service directive, biometric template protection is essential for any commercial application. Ensuring unlinkability across biometric service operators, irreversibility of leaked encrypted templates, and renewability of e.g., voice models following the i-vector paradigm, biometric voice-based systems are prepared for the latest EU data privacy legislation. Employing Paillier cryptosystems, Euclidean and cosine comparators are known to ensure data privacy demands, without loss of discrimination nor calibration performance. Bridging gaps from template protection to speaker recognition, two architectures are proposed for the two-covariance comparator, serving as a generative model in this study. The first architecture preserves privacy of biometric data capture subjects. In the second architecture, model parameters of the comparator are encrypted as well, such that biometric service providers can supply the same comparison modules employing different key pairs to multiple biometric service operators. An experimental proof-of-concept and complexity analysis is carried out on the data from the 2013-2014 NIST i-vector machine learning challenge

    Research of Speaker Recognition Based On PLDA Model

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    说话人识别技术,作为现代重要的生物信息识别技术之一,通过对说话人语音样本提取的特征参数进行建模分类,从而分辨说话人身份。目前,NIST(NationalInstituteofStandardsandTechnology)国际评测结果显示,基于PLDA(ProbabilisticLinearDiscriminantAnalysis)模型的说话人识别系统可获得突出的识别效果。然而,现实生活中,语音样本很容易受到环境噪声的干扰,有时候注册语音和待测语音的样本时长是不一致的,甚至,在某些信道较难采集到丰富的语音样本数据以供PLDA模型训练,上述这些复杂问题,在一定程度上制约了基于PLDA说话人识别系统...Speaker recognition as an important technology in modern biological information recognition area, it recognizes the speaker through analysing and modeling speaker’s voice characteristics. Currently, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) international evaluation results show that speaker recognition system based on PLDA model achieves outstanding recognition results. However, in rea...学位:工学硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院_电路与系统学号:2312012115286