4 research outputs found

    MeToo Tweets Sentiment Analysis Using Multi Modal frameworks

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    In this paper, We present our approach for IEEEBigMM 2020, Grand Challenge (BMGC), Identifying senti-ments from tweets related to the MeToo movement. The modelis based on an ensemble of Convolutional Neural Network,Bidirectional LSTM and a DNN for final classification. Thispaper is aimed at providing a detailed analysis of the modeland the results obtained. We have ranked 5th out of 10 teamswith a score of 0.51491Comment: This is a good introductory paper , for those interested in multi modal frameworks . Dont forget to cite :

    #MeTooMA: Multi-Aspect Annotations of Tweets Related to the MeToo Movement

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    In this paper, we present a dataset containing 9,973 tweets related to the MeToo movement that were manually annotated for five different linguistic aspects: relevance, stance, hate speech, sarcasm, and dialogue acts. We present a detailed account of the data collection and annotation processes. The annotations have a very high inter-annotator agreement (0.79 to 0.93 k-alpha) due to the domain expertise of the annotators and clear annotation instructions. We analyze the data in terms of geographical distribution, label correlations, and keywords. Lastly, we present some potential use cases of this dataset. We expect this dataset would be of great interest to psycholinguists, socio-linguists, and computational linguists to study the discursive space of digitally mobilized social movements on sensitive issues like sexual harassment.Comment: Preprint of paper accepted at ICWSM 202

    A human-centered systematic literature review of the computational approaches for online sexual risk detection

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    In the era of big data and artificial intelligence, online risk detection has become a popular research topic. From detecting online harassment to the sexual predation of youth, the state-of-the-art in computational risk detection has the potential to protect particularly vulnerable populations from online victimization. Yet, this is a high-risk, high-reward endeavor that requires a systematic and human-centered approach to synthesize disparate bodies of research across different application domains, so that we can identify best practices, potential gaps, and set a strategic research agenda for leveraging these approaches in a way that betters society. Therefore, we conducted a comprehensive literature review to analyze 73 peer-reviewed articles on computational approaches utilizing text or meta-data/multimedia for online sexual risk detection. We identified sexual grooming (75%), sex trafficking (12%), and sexual harassment and/or abuse (12%) as the three types of sexual risk detection present in the extant literature. Furthermore, we found that the majority (93%) of this work has focused on identifying sexual predators after-the-fact, rather than taking more nuanced approaches to identify potential victims and problematic patterns that could be used to prevent victimization before it occurs. Many studies rely on public datasets (82%) and third-party annotators (33%) to establish ground truth and train their algorithms. Finally, the majority of this work (78%) mostly focused on algorithmic performance evaluation of their model and rarely (4%) evaluate these systems with real users. Thus, we urge computational risk detection researchers to integrate more human-centered approaches to both developing and evaluating sexual risk detection algorithms to ensure the broader societal impacts of this important work.Accepted manuscrip

    A Human-Centered Approach to Improving Adolescent Online Sexual Risk Detection Algorithms

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    Computational risk detection has the potential to protect especially vulnerable populations from online victimization. Conducting a comprehensive literature review on computational approaches for online sexual risk detection led to the identification that the majority of this work has focused on identifying sexual predators after-the-fact. Also, many studies rely on public datasets and third-party annotators to establish ground truth and train their algorithms, which do not accurately represent young social media users and their perspectives to prevent victimization. To address these gaps, this dissertation integrated human-centered approaches to both creating representative datasets and developing sexual risk detection machine learning models to ensure the broader societal impacts of this important work. In order to understand what and how adolescents talk about their online sexual interactions to inform study designs, a thematic content analysis of posts by adolescents on an online peer support mental health was conducted. Then, a user study and web-based platform, Instagram Data Donation (IGDD), was designed to create an ecologically valid dataset. Youth could donate and annotate their Instagram data for online risks. After participating in the study, an interview study was conducted to understand how youth felt annotating data for online risks. Based on private conversations annotated by participants, sexual risk detection classifiers were created. The results indicated Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Random Forest models outperformed in identifying sexual risks at the conversation-level. Our experiments showed that classifiers trained on entire conversations performed better than message-level classifiers. We also trained classifiers to detect the severity risk level of a given message with CNN outperforming other models. We found that contextual (e.g., age, gender, and relationship type) and psycho-linguistic features contributed the most to accurately detecting sexual conversations. Our analysis provides insights into the important factors that enhance automated detection of sexual risks within youths\u27 private conversations