350 research outputs found

    Online Video Deblurring via Dynamic Temporal Blending Network

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    State-of-the-art video deblurring methods are capable of removing non-uniform blur caused by unwanted camera shake and/or object motion in dynamic scenes. However, most existing methods are based on batch processing and thus need access to all recorded frames, rendering them computationally demanding and time consuming and thus limiting their practical use. In contrast, we propose an online (sequential) video deblurring method based on a spatio-temporal recurrent network that allows for real-time performance. In particular, we introduce a novel architecture which extends the receptive field while keeping the overall size of the network small to enable fast execution. In doing so, our network is able to remove even large blur caused by strong camera shake and/or fast moving objects. Furthermore, we propose a novel network layer that enforces temporal consistency between consecutive frames by dynamic temporal blending which compares and adaptively (at test time) shares features obtained at different time steps. We show the superiority of the proposed method in an extensive experimental evaluation.Comment: 10 page

    Learning Blind Motion Deblurring

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    As handheld video cameras are now commonplace and available in every smartphone, images and videos can be recorded almost everywhere at anytime. However, taking a quick shot frequently yields a blurry result due to unwanted camera shake during recording or moving objects in the scene. Removing these artifacts from the blurry recordings is a highly ill-posed problem as neither the sharp image nor the motion blur kernel is known. Propagating information between multiple consecutive blurry observations can help restore the desired sharp image or video. Solutions for blind deconvolution based on neural networks rely on a massive amount of ground-truth data which is hard to acquire. In this work, we propose an efficient approach to produce a significant amount of realistic training data and introduce a novel recurrent network architecture to deblur frames taking temporal information into account, which can efficiently handle arbitrary spatial and temporal input sizes. We demonstrate the versatility of our approach in a comprehensive comparison on a number of challening real-world examples.Comment: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) (2017

    Towards Interpretable Video Super-Resolution via Alternating Optimization

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    In this paper, we study a practical space-time video super-resolution (STVSR) problem which aims at generating a high-framerate high-resolution sharp video from a low-framerate low-resolution blurry video. Such problem often occurs when recording a fast dynamic event with a low-framerate and low-resolution camera, and the captured video would suffer from three typical issues: i) motion blur occurs due to object/camera motions during exposure time; ii) motion aliasing is unavoidable when the event temporal frequency exceeds the Nyquist limit of temporal sampling; iii) high-frequency details are lost because of the low spatial sampling rate. These issues can be alleviated by a cascade of three separate sub-tasks, including video deblurring, frame interpolation, and super-resolution, which, however, would fail to capture the spatial and temporal correlations among video sequences. To address this, we propose an interpretable STVSR framework by leveraging both model-based and learning-based methods. Specifically, we formulate STVSR as a joint video deblurring, frame interpolation, and super-resolution problem, and solve it as two sub-problems in an alternate way. For the first sub-problem, we derive an interpretable analytical solution and use it as a Fourier data transform layer. Then, we propose a recurrent video enhancement layer for the second sub-problem to further recover high-frequency details. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method in terms of quantitative metrics and visual quality.Comment: ECCV 202

    VJT: A Video Transformer on Joint Tasks of Deblurring, Low-light Enhancement and Denoising

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    Video restoration task aims to recover high-quality videos from low-quality observations. This contains various important sub-tasks, such as video denoising, deblurring and low-light enhancement, since video often faces different types of degradation, such as blur, low light, and noise. Even worse, these kinds of degradation could happen simultaneously when taking videos in extreme environments. This poses significant challenges if one wants to remove these artifacts at the same time. In this paper, to the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose an efficient end-to-end video transformer approach for the joint task of video deblurring, low-light enhancement, and denoising. This work builds a novel multi-tier transformer where each tier uses a different level of degraded video as a target to learn the features of video effectively. Moreover, we carefully design a new tier-to-tier feature fusion scheme to learn video features incrementally and accelerate the training process with a suitable adaptive weighting scheme. We also provide a new Multiscene-Lowlight-Blur-Noise (MLBN) dataset, which is generated according to the characteristics of the joint task based on the RealBlur dataset and YouTube videos to simulate realistic scenes as far as possible. We have conducted extensive experiments, compared with many previous state-of-the-art methods, to show the effectiveness of our approach clearly.Comment: 12 pages,8 figure