14 research outputs found

    Continuous Nearest Neighbor Queries over Sliding Windows

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    Abstract—This paper studies continuous monitoring of nearest neighbor (NN) queries over sliding window streams. According to this model, data points continuously stream in the system, and they are considered valid only while they belong to a sliding window that contains 1) the W most recent arrivals (count-based) or 2) the arrivals within a fixed interval W covering the most recent time stamps (time-based). The task of the query processor is to constantly maintain the result of long-running NN queries among the valid data. We present two processing techniques that apply to both count-based and time-based windows. The first one adapts conceptual partitioning, the best existing method for continuous NN monitoring over update streams, to the sliding window model. The second technique reduces the problem to skyline maintenance in the distance-time space and precomputes the future changes in the NN set. We analyze the performance of both algorithms and extend them to variations of NN search. Finally, we compare their efficiency through a comprehensive experimental evaluation. The skyline-based algorithm achieves lower CPU cost, at the expense of slightly larger space overhead. Index Terms—Location-dependent and sensitive, spatial databases, query processing, nearest neighbors, data streams, sliding windows.

    DeepMotions : A Deep Learning System for Path Prediction Using Similar Motions

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    Trajectory prediction techniques play a serious role in many location-based services such as mobile advertising, carpooling, taxi services, traffic management, and routing services. These techniques rely on the object’s motion history to predict the future path(s). As a consequence, these techniques fail when history is unavailable. The unavailability of history might occur for several reasons such as; history might be inaccessible, a recently registered user with no preceding history, or previously logged data is preserved for confidentiality and privacy. This paper presents a Bi-directional recurrent deep-learning based prediction system, named DeepMotions , to predict the future path of a query object without any prior knowledge of the object historical motions. The main idea of DeepMotions is to observe the moving objects in the vicinity that have similar motion patterns of the query object. Then use those similar objects to train and predict the query object’s future steps. To compute similarity, we propose a similarity function that is based on the KNN algorithm. Extensive experiments conducted on real data sets confirm the efficient performance and the quality of prediction in DeepMotions with up to 96% accuracy

    Continuous Probabilistic Nearest-Neighbor Queries for Uncertain Trajectories

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    This work addresses the problem of processing continuous nearest neighbor (NN) queries for moving objects trajectories when the exact position of a given object at a particular time instant is not known, but is bounded by an uncertainty region. As has already been observed in the literature, the answers to continuous NN-queries in spatio-temporal settings are time parameterized in the sense that the objects in the answer vary over time. Incorporating uncertainty in the model yields additional attributes that affect the semantics of the answer to this type of queries. In this work, we formalize the impact of uncertainty on the answers to the continuous probabilistic NN-queries, provide a compact structure for their representation and efficient algorithms for constructing that structure. We also identify syntactic constructs for several qualitative variants of continuous probabilistic NN-queries for uncertain trajectories and present efficient algorithms for their processing. 1

    Spatial Cloaking Revisited: Distinguishing Information Leakage from Anonymity

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    Abstract. Location-based services (LBS) are receiving increasing popularity as they provide convenience to mobile users with on-demand information. The use of these services, however, poses privacy issues as the user locations and queries are exposed to untrusted LBSs. Spatial cloaking techniques provide privacy in the form of k-anonymity; i.e., they guarantee that the (location of the) querying user u is indistinguishable from at least k-1 others, where k is a parameter specified by u at query time. To achieve this, they form a group of k users, including u, and forward their minimum bounding rectangle (termed anonymizing spatial region, ASR) to the LBS. The rationale behind sending an ASR instead of the distinct k locations is that exact user positions (querying or not) should not be disclosed to the LBS. This results in large ASRs with considerable dead-space, and leads to unnecessary performance degradation. Additionally, there is no guarantee regarding the amount of location information that is actually revealed to the LBS. In this paper, we introduce the concept of information leakage in spatial cloaking. We provide measures of this leakage, and show how we can trade it for better performance in a tunable manner. The proposed methodology directly applies to centralized and decentralized cloaking models, and is readily deployable on existing systems.

    Group Nearest Neighbor Queries

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    Given two sets of points P and Q, a group nearest neighbor (GNN) query retrieves the point(s) of P with the smallest sum of distances to all points in Q. Consider, for instance, three users at locations q1, q2 and q3 that want to find a meeting point (e.g., a restaurant); the corresponding query returns the data point p that minimizes the sum of Euclidean distances |pqi | for 1≤i≤3. Assuming that Q fits in memory and P is indexed by an R-tree, we propose several algorithms for finding the group nearest neighbors efficiently. As a second step, we extend our techniques for situations where Q cannot fit in memory, covering both indexed and non-indexed query points. An experimental evaluation identifies the best alternative based on the data and query properties. 1

    Conceptual Partitioning: An Efficient Method for Continuous Nearest Neighbor Monitoring

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    Given a set of objects P and a query point q, a k nearest neighbor (k-NN) query retrieves the k objects in P that lie closest to q. Even though the problem is well-studied for static datasets, the traditional methods do not extend to highly dynamic environments where multiple continuous queries require real-time results, and both objects and queries receive frequent location updates. In this paper we propose conceptual partitioning (CPM), a comprehensive technique for the efficient monitoring of continuous NN queries. CPM achieves low running time by handling location updates only from objects that fall in the vicinity of some query (and ignoring the rest). It can be used with multiple, static or moving queries, and it does not make any assumptions about the object moving patterns. We analyze the performance of CPM and show that it outperforms the current state-of-the-art algorithms for all problem settings. Finally, we extend our framework to aggregate NN (ANN) queries, which monitor the data objects that minimize the aggregate distance with respect to a set of query points (e.g., the objects with the minimum sum of distances to all query points). 1

    Continuous Nearest Neighbor Monitoring in Road Networks

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    Recent research has focused on continuous monitoring of nearest neighbors (NN) in highly dynamic scenarios, where the queries and the data objects move frequently and arbitrarily. All existing methods, however, assume the Euclidean distance metric. In this paper we study k-NN monitoring in road networks, where the distance between a query and a data object is determined by the length of the shortest path connecting them. We propose two methods that can handle arbitrary object and query moving patterns, as well as fluctuations of edge weights. The first one maintains the query results by processing only updates that may invalidate the current NN sets. The second method follows the shared execution paradigm to reduce the processing time. In particular, it groups together the queries that fall in the path between two consecutive intersections in the network, and produces their results by monitoring the NN sets of these intersections. We experimentally verify the applicability of the proposed techniques to continuous monitoring of large data and query sets

    Continuous Monitoring of Spatial Queries in Wireless Broadcast Environments

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    Wireless data broadcast is a promising technique for information dissemination that leverages the computational capabilities of the mobile devices in order to enhance the scalability of the system. Under this environment, the data are continuously broadcast by the server, interleaved with some indexing information for query processing. Clients may then tune in the broadcast channel and process their queries locally without contacting the server. Previous work on spatial query processing for wireless broadcast systems has only considered snapshot queries over static data. In this paper, we propose an air indexing framework that 1) outperforms the existing (i.e., snapshot) techniques in terms of energy consumption while achieving low access latency and 2) constitutes the first method supporting efficient processing of continuous spatial queries over moving objects