2,513 research outputs found

    Two-person Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-based Human Interaction Recognition

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    Graph convolutional networks (GCNs) have been the predominant methods in skeleton-based human action recognition, including human-human interaction recognition. However, when dealing with interaction sequences, current GCN-based methods simply split the two-person skeleton into two discrete graphs and perform graph convolution separately as done for single-person action classification. Such operations ignore rich interactive information and hinder effective spatial inter-body relationship modeling. To overcome the above shortcoming, we introduce a novel unified two-person graph to represent inter-body and intra-body correlations between joints. Experiments show accuracy improvements in recognizing both interactions and individual actions when utilizing the proposed two-person graph topology. In addition, We design several graph labeling strategies to supervise the model to learn discriminant spatial-temporal interactive features. Finally, we propose a two-person graph convolutional network (2P-GCN). Our model achieves state-of-the-art results on four benchmarks of three interaction datasets: SBU, interaction subsets of NTU-RGB+D and NTU-RGB+D 120

    Multi-Dimensional Refinement Graph Convolutional Network with Robust Decouple Loss for Fine-Grained Skeleton-Based Action Recognition

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    Graph convolutional networks have been widely used in skeleton-based action recognition. However, existing approaches are limited in fine-grained action recognition due to the similarity of inter-class data. Moreover, the noisy data from pose extraction increases the challenge of fine-grained recognition. In this work, we propose a flexible attention block called Channel-Variable Spatial-Temporal Attention (CVSTA) to enhance the discriminative power of spatial-temporal joints and obtain a more compact intra-class feature distribution. Based on CVSTA, we construct a Multi-Dimensional Refinement Graph Convolutional Network (MDR-GCN), which can improve the discrimination among channel-, joint- and frame-level features for fine-grained actions. Furthermore, we propose a Robust Decouple Loss (RDL), which significantly boosts the effect of the CVSTA and reduces the impact of noise. The proposed method combining MDR-GCN with RDL outperforms the known state-of-the-art skeleton-based approaches on fine-grained datasets, FineGym99 and FSD-10, and also on the coarse dataset NTU-RGB+D X-view version

    Attention module-based spatial-temporal graph convolutional networks for skeleton-based action recognition

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    Skeleton-based action recognition is a significant direction of human action recognition, because the skeleton contains important information for recognizing action. The spatial-temporal graph convolutional networks (ST-GCN) automatically learn both the temporal and spatial features from the skeleton data and achieve remarkable performance for skeleton-based action recognition. However, ST-GCN just learns local information on a certain neighborhood but does not capture the correlation information between all joints (i.e., global information). Therefore, we need to introduce global information into the ST-GCN. We propose a model of dynamic skeletons called attention module-based-ST-GCN, which solves these problems by adding attention module. The attention module can capture some global information, which brings stronger expressive power and generalization capability. Experimental results on two large-scale datasets, Kinetics and NTU-RGB+D, demonstrate that our model achieves significant improvements over previous representative methods. © 2019 SPIE and IS&T
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