117 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a diffusive predator–prey model with herd behavior

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    This paper is devoted to considering a diffusive predator–prey model with Leslie–Gower term and herd behavior subject to the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Concretely, by choosing the proper bifurcation parameter, the local stability of constant equilibria of this model without diffusion and the existence of Hopf bifurcation are investigated by analyzing the distribution of the eigenvalues. Furthermore, the explicit formula for determining the direction of Hopf bifurcation and the stability of the bifurcating periodic solutions are also derived by applying the normal form theory. Next, we show the stability of positive constant equilibrium, the existence and stability of periodic solutions near positive constant equilibrium for the diffusive model. Finally, some numerical simulations are carried out to support the analytical results

    Turing instability in a diffusive predator-prey model with multiple Allee effect and herd behavior

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    Diffusion-driven instability and bifurcation analysis are studied in a predator-prey model with herd behavior and quadratic mortality by incorporating multiple Allee effect into prey species. The existence and stability of the equilibria of the system are studied. And bifurcation behaviors of the system without diffusion are shown. The sufficient and necessary conditions for Turing instability occurring are obtained. And the stability and the direction of Hopf and steady state bifurcations are explored by using the normal form method. Furthermore, some numerical simulations are presented to support our theoretical analysis. We found that too large diffusion rate of prey prevents Turing instability from emerging. Finally, we summarize our findings in the conclusion

    Dynamics in a delayed diffusive cell cycle model

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    In this paper, we construct a delayed diffusive model to explore the spatial dynamics of cell cycle in G2/M transition. We first obtain the local stability of the unique positive equilibrium for this model, which is irrelevant to the diffusion. Then, through investigating the delay-induced Hopf bifurcation in this model, we establish the existence of spatially homogeneous and inhomogeneous bifurcating periodic solutions. Applying the normal form and center manifold theorem of functional partial differential equations, we also determine the stability and direction of these bifurcating periodic solutions. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to validate our theoretical results

    Bifurcation on diffusive Holling–Tanner predator–prey model with stoichiometric density dependence

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    This paper studies a diffusive Holling–Tanner predator–prey system with stoichiometric density dependence. The local stability of positive equilibrium, the existence of Hopf bifurcation and stability of bifurcating periodic solutions have been obtained in the absence of diffusion. We also study the spatially homogeneous and nonhomogeneous periodic solutions through all parameters of the system, which are spatially homogeneous. In order to verify our theoretical results, some numerical simulations are carried out.&nbsp

    Stability and Hopf Bifurcation in a Delayed Predator-Prey System with Herd Behavior

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    A special predator-prey system is investigated in which the prey population exhibits herd behavior in order to provide a self-defense against predators, while the predator is intermediate and its population shows individualistic behavior. Considering the fact that there always exists a time delay in the conversion of the biomass of prey to that of predator in this system, we obtain a delayed predator-prey model with square root functional response and quadratic mortality. For this model, we mainly investigate the stability of positive equilibrium and the existence of Hopf bifurcation by choosing the time delay as a bifurcation parameter

    Investigation of chaos in biological systems

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    Chaos is the seemingly irregular behavior arising from a deterministic system. Chaos is observed in many real-world systems. Edward Lorenz’s seminal discovery of chaotic behavior in a weather model has prompted researchers to develop tools that distinguish chaos from non-chaotic behavior. In the first chapter of this thesis, I survey the tools for detecting chaos namely, Poincaré maps, Lyapunov exponents, surrogate data analysis, recurrence plots and correlation integral plots. In chapter two, I investigate blood pressure fluctuations for chaotic signatures. Though my analysis reveals interesting evidence in support of chaos, the utility such an analysis lies in a different direction that I point to the reader. In chapter three, I investigate a simulation of predator-prey interactions. My analysis casts doubt on some of the claims laid by past researchers, and I prompt future researchers to probe some specific questions that I have outlined in this thesis
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