8 research outputs found

    A Survey on Modulation Techniques in Molecular Communication via Diffusion

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    This survey paper focuses on modulation aspects of molecular communication, an emerging field focused on building biologically-inspired systems that embed data within chemical signals. The primary challenges in designing these systems are how to encode and modulate information onto chemical signals, and how to design a receiver that can detect and decode the information from the corrupted chemical signal observed at the destination. In this paper, we focus on modulation design for molecular communication via diffusion systems. In these systems, chemical signals are transported using diffusion, possibly assisted by flow, from the transmitter to the receiver. This tutorial presents recent advancements in modulation and demodulation schemes for molecular communication via diffusion. We compare five different modulation types: concentration-based, type-based, timing-based, spatial, and higher-order modulation techniques. The end-to-end system designs for each modulation scheme are presented. In addition, the key metrics used in the literature to evaluate the performance of these techniques are also presented. Finally, we provide a numerical bit error rate comparison of prominent modulation techniques using analytical models. We close the tutorial with a discussion of key open issues and future research directions for design of molecular communication via diffusion systems.Comment: Preprint of the accepted manuscript for publication in IEEE Surveys and Tutorial

    Carbon Quantum Dots from Lemon Waste Enable Communication among Biodevices

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    A bioinspired method of communication among biodevices based on fluorescent nanoparticles is herein presented. This approach does not use electromagnetic waves but rather the exchange of chemical systems—a method known as molecular communication. The example outlined was based on the fluorescence properties of carbon dots and follows a circular economy approach as the method involves preparation from the juice of lemon waste. The synthesis is herein presented, and the fluorescence properties and diffusion coefficient are evaluated. The application of carbon dots to molecular communication was studied from a theoretical point of view by numerically solving the differential equation that governs the phenomenon. The theoretical results were used to develop a prototype molecular communication platform that enables the communication of simple messages via aqueous fluids to a fluorescence-detecting biodevice receiver

    Spatial modulation for molecular communication

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    In this paper, we propose an energy-efficient spatial modulation based molecular communication (SM-MC) scheme, in which a transmitted symbol is composed of two parts, i.e., a space derived symbol and a concentration derived symbol. The space symbol is transmitted by embedding the information into the index of a single activated transmitter nanomachine. The concentration symbol is drawn according to the conventional concentration shift keying (CSK) constellation. Benefiting from a single active transmitter during each symbol period, SMMC can avoid the inter-link interference problem existing in the current multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) based MC schemes, which hence enables low-complexity symbol detection and performance improvement. Correspondingly, we propose a low-complexity scheme, which first detects the space symbol by energy comparison, and then detects the concentration symbol by the maximum ratio combining assisted CSK demodulation. In this paper, we analyze the symbol error rate (SER) of the SM-MC and of its special case, namely the space shift keying based MC (SSK-MC), where only space symbol is transmitted and no CSK modulation is invoked. Finally, the analytical results are validated by computer simulations. Our studies demonstrate that both the SSK-MC and SM-MC are capable of achieving better SER performance than the conventional MIMO-MC and single-input single-output based MC, when given the same symbol rate.</p