15 research outputs found

    Efficient Resolution of Anisotropic Structures

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    We highlight some recent new delevelopments concerning the sparse representation of possibly high-dimensional functions exhibiting strong anisotropic features and low regularity in isotropic Sobolev or Besov scales. Specifically, we focus on the solution of transport equations which exhibit propagation of singularities where, additionally, high-dimensionality enters when the convection field, and hence the solutions, depend on parameters varying over some compact set. Important constituents of our approach are directionally adaptive discretization concepts motivated by compactly supported shearlet systems, and well-conditioned stable variational formulations that support trial spaces with anisotropic refinements with arbitrary directionalities. We prove that they provide tight error-residual relations which are used to contrive rigorously founded adaptive refinement schemes which converge in L2L_2. Moreover, in the context of parameter dependent problems we discuss two approaches serving different purposes and working under different regularity assumptions. For frequent query problems, making essential use of the novel well-conditioned variational formulations, a new Reduced Basis Method is outlined which exhibits a certain rate-optimal performance for indefinite, unsymmetric or singularly perturbed problems. For the radiative transfer problem with scattering a sparse tensor method is presented which mitigates or even overcomes the curse of dimensionality under suitable (so far still isotropic) regularity assumptions. Numerical examples for both methods illustrate the theoretical findings

    Finite element approximation of the radiative transport equation in a medium with piece-wise constant refractive index

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    The radiative transport equation can be used as a light transport model in a medium with scattering particles, such as biological tissues. In the radiative transport equation, the refractive index is assumed to be constant within the medium. However, in biomedical media, changes in the refractive index can occur between different tissue types. In this work, light propagation in a medium with piece-wise constant refractive index is considered. Light propagation in each sub-domain with a constant refractive index is modeled using the radiative transport equation and the equations are coupled using boundary conditions describing Fresnel reflection and refraction phenomena on the interfaces between the sub-domains. The resulting coupled system of radiative transport equations is numerically solved using a finite element method. The approach is tested with simulations. The results show that this coupled system describes light propagation accurately through comparison with the Monte Carlo method. It is also shown that neglecting the internal changes of the refractive index can lead to erroneous boundary measurements of scattered light

    Physics Informed Neural Networks for Simulating Radiative Transfer

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    We propose a novel machine learning algorithm for simulating radiative transfer. Our algorithm is based on physics informed neural networks (PINNs), which are trained by minimizing the residual of the underlying radiative tranfer equations. We present extensive experiments and theoretical error estimates to demonstrate that PINNs provide a very easy to implement, fast, robust and accurate method for simulating radiative transfer. We also present a PINN based algorithm for simulating inverse problems for radiative transfer efficiently

    Piecewise Tensor Product Wavelet Bases by Extensions and Approximation Rates

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    Following [Studia Math., 76(2) (1983), pp. 1-58 and 95-136] by Z. Ciesielski and T. Figiel and [SIAM J. Math. Anal., 31 (1999), pp. 184-230] by W. Dahmen and R. Schneider, by the application of extension operators we construct a basis for a range of Sobolev spaces on a domain Ω \Omega from corresponding bases on subdomains that form a non-overlapping decomposition. As subdomains, we take hypercubes, or smooth parametric images of those, and equip them with tensor product wavelet bases. We prove approximation rates from the resulting piecewise tensor product basis that are independent of the spatial dimension of Ω \Omega . For two- and three-dimensional polytopes we show that the solution of Poisson type problems satisfies the required regularity condition. The dimension independent rates will be realized numerically in linear complexity by the application of the adaptive wavelet-Galerkin scheme