6 research outputs found

    No reference quality assessment of stereo video based on saliency and sparsity

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    With the popularity of video technology, stereoscopic video quality assessment (SVQA) has become increasingly important. Existing SVQA methods cannot achieve good performance because the videos' information is not fully utilized. In this paper, we consider various information in the videos together, construct a simple model to combine and analyze the diverse features, which is based on saliency and sparsity. First, we utilize the 3-D saliency map of sum map, which remains the basic information of stereoscopic video, as a valid tool to evaluate the videos' quality. Second, we use the sparse representation to decompose the sum map of 3-D saliency into coefficients, then calculate the features based on sparse coefficients to obtain the effective expression of videos' message. Next, in order to reduce the relevance between the features, we put them into stacked auto-encoder, mapping vectors to higher dimensional space, and adding the sparse restraint, then input them into support vector machine subsequently, and finally, get the quality assessment scores. Within that process, we take the advantage of saliency and sparsity to extract and simplify features. Through the later experiment, we can see the proposed method is fitting well with the subjective scores

    Sparsity based stereoscopic image quality assessment

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    In this work, we present a full-reference stereo image quality assessment algorithm that is based on the sparse representations of luminance images and depth maps. The primary challenge lies in dealing with the sparsity of disparity maps in conjunction with the sparsity of luminance images. Although analysing the sparsity of images is sufficient to bring out the quality of luminance images, the effectiveness of sparsity in quantifying depth quality is yet to be fully understood. We present a full reference Sparsity-based Quality Assessment of Stereo Images (SQASI) that is aimed at this understanding

    Understanding perceived quality through visual representations

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    The formatting of images can be considered as an optimization problem, whose cost function is a quality assessment algorithm. There is a trade-off between bit budget per pixel and quality. To maximize the quality and minimize the bit budget, we need to measure the perceived quality. In this thesis, we focus on understanding perceived quality through visual representations that are based on visual system characteristics and color perception mechanisms. Specifically, we use the contrast sensitivity mechanisms in retinal ganglion cells and the suppression mechanisms in cortical neurons. We utilize color difference equations and color name distances to mimic pixel-wise color perception and a bio-inspired model to formulate center surround effects. Based on these formulations, we introduce two novel image quality estimators PerSIM and CSV, and a new image quality-assistance method BLeSS. We combine our findings from visual system and color perception with data-driven methods to generate visual representations and measure their quality. The majority of existing data-driven methods require subjective scores or degraded images. In contrast, we follow an unsupervised approach that only utilizes generic images. We introduce a novel unsupervised image quality estimator UNIQUE, and extend it with multiple models and layers to obtain MS-UNIQUE and DMS-UNIQUE. In addition to introducing quality estimators, we analyze the role of spatial pooling and boosting in image quality assessment.Ph.D

    Image and video classification and image similarity measurement by learning sparse representation

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    Sparse representation of signals has recently emerged as a major research area. It is well-known that many natural signals can be sparsely represented using a properly chosen dictionary (e.g. formed of wavelets bases). A dictionary could be complete or overcomplete depending on whether the number of bases it contains is the same or greater than the dimensionality of the given signal. Traditionally, the use of predefined dictionaries has been prevalent in sparse analysis. However, a more generalized approach is to learn the dictionary from the signal itself. Learnt dictionaries are known to outperform predefined dictionaries in several applications. This thesis explores the application of sparse representations of signals obtained by learning overcomplete dictionaries for three applications: 1) classification of images and videos, 2) measurement of similarity between two images, and 3) assessment of perceptual quality of an image. This thesis first capitalizes on the natural discriminative ability of sparse representations to develop efficient classification algorithms. The proposed algorithms are employed in image-based face recognition and video-based human action recognition. They are shown to perform better than the state-of-the-art. The thesis then studies how to obtain a good measure of similarity between two images. Despite the long history of image similarity evaluation, open issues still exist. These include the need of developing generic similarity measures that do not assume any prior knowledge of the task at hand or the data type. This thesis develops a generic image similarity measure based on learning sparse representations. Successful application of the proposed measure to clustering, retrieval and classification of different types of images is demonstrated. The thesis then examines a highly promising approach to assess the perceptual quality of an image. This approach involves comparing the structural information of a possibly distorted image with that in its reference image. The extraction of the structural information that is important to our visual system is a challenging task. A sparse representation-based image quality assessment approach is proposed to address this issue. When compared with seven existing metrics, our method performs the best in three databases and ranks among the top three in the remaining three databases.Applied Science, Faculty ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, Department ofGraduat