18 research outputs found

    E(3)×SO(3)E(3) \times SO(3)-Equivariant Networks for Spherical Deconvolution in Diffusion MRI

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    We present Roto-Translation Equivariant Spherical Deconvolution (RT-ESD), an E(3)×SO(3)E(3)\times SO(3) equivariant framework for sparse deconvolution of volumes where each voxel contains a spherical signal. Such 6D data naturally arises in diffusion MRI (dMRI), a medical imaging modality widely used to measure microstructure and structural connectivity. As each dMRI voxel is typically a mixture of various overlapping structures, there is a need for blind deconvolution to recover crossing anatomical structures such as white matter tracts. Existing dMRI work takes either an iterative or deep learning approach to sparse spherical deconvolution, yet it typically does not account for relationships between neighboring measurements. This work constructs equivariant deep learning layers which respect to symmetries of spatial rotations, reflections, and translations, alongside the symmetries of voxelwise spherical rotations. As a result, RT-ESD improves on previous work across several tasks including fiber recovery on the DiSCo dataset, deconvolution-derived partial volume estimation on real-world \textit{in vivo} human brain dMRI, and improved downstream reconstruction of fiber tractograms on the Tractometer dataset. Our implementation is available at https://github.com/AxelElaldi/e3so3_convComment: Accepted to Medical Imaging with Deep Learning (MIDL) 2023. Code available at https://github.com/AxelElaldi/e3so3_conv . 19 pages with 6 figure

    Motor and higher‐order functions topography of the human dentate nuclei identified with tractography and clustering methods

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    Deep gray matter nuclei are the synaptic relays, responsible to route signals between specific brain areas. Dentate nuclei (DNs) represent the main output channel of the cerebellum and yet are often unexplored especially in humans. We developed a multimodal MRI approach to identify DNs topography on the basis of their connectivity as well as their microstructural features. Based on results, we defined DN parcellations deputed to motor and to higher-order functions in humans in vivo. Whole-brain probabilistic tractography was performed on 25 healthy subjects from the Human Connectome Project to infer DN parcellations based on their connectivity with either the cerebral or the cerebellar cortex, in turn. A third DN atlas was created inputting microstructural diffusion-derived metrics in an unsupervised fuzzy c-means classification algorithm. All analyses were performed in native space, with probability atlas maps generated in standard space. Cerebellar lobule-specific connectivity identified one motor parcellation, accounting for about 30% of the DN volume, and two non-motor parcellations, one cognitive and one sensory, which occupied the remaining volume. The other two approaches provided overlapping results in terms of geometrical distribution with those identified with cerebellar lobule-specific connectivity, although with some differences in volumes. A gender effect was observed with respect to motor areas and higher-order function representations. This is the first study that indicates that more than half of the DN volumes is involved in non-motor functions and that connectivity-based and microstructure-based atlases provide complementary information. These results represent a step-ahead for the interpretation of pathological conditions involving cerebro-cerebellar circuits

    Revisiting the T<sub>2</sub> spectrum imaging inverse problem: Bayesian regularized non-negative least squares.

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    Multi-echo T &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; magnetic resonance images contain information about the distribution of T &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; relaxation times of compartmentalized water, from which we can estimate relevant brain tissue properties such as the myelin water fraction (MWF). Regularized non-negative least squares (NNLS) is the tool of choice for estimating non-parametric T &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; spectra. However, the estimation is ill-conditioned, sensitive to noise, and highly affected by the employed regularization weight. The purpose of this study is threefold: first, we want to underline that the apparently innocuous use of two alternative parameterizations for solving the inverse problem, which we called the standard and alternative regularization forms, leads to different solutions; second, to assess the performance of both parameterizations; and third, to propose a new Bayesian regularized NNLS method (BayesReg). The performance of BayesReg was compared with that of two conventional approaches (L-curve and Chi-square (X &lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; ) fitting) using both regularization forms. We generated a large dataset of synthetic data, acquired in vivo human brain data in healthy participants for conducting a scan-rescan analysis, and correlated the myelin content derived from histology with the MWF estimated from ex vivo data. Results from synthetic data indicate that BayesReg provides accurate MWF estimates, comparable to those from L-curve and X &lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; , and with better overall stability across a wider signal-to-noise range. Notably, we obtained superior results by using the alternative regularization form. The correlations reported in this study are higher than those reported in previous studies employing the same ex vivo and histological data. In human brain data, the estimated maps from L-curve and BayesReg were more reproducible. However, the T &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; spectra produced by BayesReg were less affected by over-smoothing than those from L-curve. These findings suggest that BayesReg is a good alternative for estimating T &lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; distributions and MWF maps

    Contributions to MCMC Methods in Constrained Domains with Applications to Neuroimaging

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    Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods form a rich class of computational techniques that help its user ascertain samples from target distributions when direct sampling is not possible or when their closed forms are intractable. Over the years, MCMC methods have been used in innumerable situations due to their flexibility and generalizability, even in situations involving nonlinear and/or highly parametrized models. In this dissertation, two major works relating to MCMC methods are presented. The first involves the development of a method to identify the number and directions of nerve fibers using diffusion-weighted MRI measurements. For this, the biological problem is first formulated as a model selection and estimation problem. Using the framework of reversible jump MCMC, a novel Bayesian scheme that performs both the above tasks simultaneously using customizable priors and proposal distributions is proposed. The proposed method allows users to set a prior level of spatial separation between the nerve fibers, allowing more crossing paths to be detected when desired or a lower number to potentially only detect robust nerve tracts. Hence, estimation that is specific to a given region of interest within the brain can be performed. In simulated examples, the method has been shown to resolve up to four fibers even in instances of highly noisy data. Comparative analysis with other state-of-the-art methods on in-vivo data showed the method\u27s ability to detect more crossing nerve fibers. The second work involves the construction of an MCMC algorithm that efficiently performs (Bayesian) sampling of parameters with support constraints. The method works by embedding a transformation called inversion in a sphere within the Metropolis-Hastings sampler. This creates an image of the constrained support that is amenable to sampling using standard proposals such as Gaussian. The proposed strategy is tested on three domains: the standard simplex, a sector of an n-sphere, and hypercubes. In each domain, a comparison is made with existing sampling techniques

    Unraveling multi-fixel microstructure with tractography and angular weighting

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    Recent advances in MRI technology have enabled richer multi-shell sequences to be implemented in diffusion MRI, allowing the investigation of both the microscopic and macroscopic organization of the brain white matter and its complex network of neural fibers. The emergence of advanced diffusion models has enabled a more detailed analysis of brain microstructure by estimating the signal received from a voxel as the combination of responses from multiple fiber populations. However, disentangling the individual microstructural properties of different macroscopic white matter tracts where those pathways intersect remains a challenge. Several approaches have been developed to assign microstructural properties to macroscopic streamlines, but often present shortcomings. ROI-based heuristics rely on averages that are not tract-specific. Global methods solve a computationally-intensive global optimization but prevent the use of microstructural properties not included in the model and often require restrictive hypotheses. Other methods use atlases that might not be adequate in population studies where the shape of white matter tracts varies significantly between patients. We introduce UNRAVEL, a framework combining the microscopic and macroscopic scales to unravel multi-fixel microstructure by utilizing tractography. The framework includes commonly-used heuristics as well as a new algorithm, estimating the microstructure of a specific white matter tract with angular weighting. Our framework grants considerable freedom as the inputs required, a set of streamlines defining a tract and a multi-fixel diffusion model estimated in each voxel, can be defined by the user. We validate our approach on synthetic data and in vivo data, including a repeated scan of a subject and a population study of children with dyslexia. In each case, we compare the estimation of microstructural properties obtained with angular weighting to other commonly-used approaches. Our framework provides estimations of the microstructure at the streamline level, volumetric maps for visualization and mean microstructural values for the whole tract. The angular weighting algorithm shows increased accuracy, robustness to uncertainties in its inputs and maintains similar or better reproducibility compared to commonly-used analysis approaches. UNRAVEL will provide researchers with a flexible and open-source tool enabling them to study the microstructure of specific white matter pathways with their diffusion model of choice

    Sparse Blind Spherical Deconvolution of diffusion weighted MRI

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    Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging provides invaluable insights into in-vivo neurological pathways. However, accurate and robust characterization of white matter fibers microstructure remains challenging. Widely used spherical deconvolution algorithms retrieve the fiber Orientation Distribution Function (ODF) by using an estimation of a response function, i.e., the signal arising from individual fascicles within a voxel. In this paper, an algorithm of blind spherical deconvolution is proposed, which only assumes the axial symmetry of the response function instead of its exact knowledge. This algorithm provides a method for estimating the peaks of the ODF in a voxel without any explicit response function, as well as a method for estimating signals associated with the peaks of the ODF, regardless of how those peaks were obtained. The two stages of the algorithm are tested on Monte Carlo simulations, as well as compared to state-of-the-art methods on real in-vivo data for the orientation retrieval task. Although the proposed algorithm was shown to attain lower angular errors than the state-of-the-art constrained spherical deconvolution algorithm on synthetic data, it was outperformed by state-of-the-art spherical deconvolution algorithms on in-vivo data. In conjunction with state-of-the art methods for axon bundles direction estimation, the proposed method showed its potential for the derivation of per-voxel per-direction metrics on synthetic as well as in-vivo data

    Unsupervised deep learning of human brain diffusion magnetic resonance imaging tractography data

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    L'imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion est une technique non invasive permettant de connaître la microstructure organisationnelle des tissus biologiques. Les méthodes computationnelles qui exploitent la préférence orientationnelle de la diffusion dans des structures restreintes pour révéler les voies axonales de la matière blanche du cerveau sont appelées tractographie. Ces dernières années, diverses méthodes de tractographie ont été utilisées avec succès pour découvrir l'architecture de la matière blanche du cerveau. Pourtant, ces techniques de reconstruction souffrent d'un certain nombre de défauts dérivés d'ambiguïtés fondamentales liées à l'information orientationnelle. Cela a des conséquences dramatiques, puisque les cartes de connectivité de la matière blanche basées sur la tractographie sont dominées par des faux positifs. Ainsi, la grande proportion de voies invalides récupérées demeure un des principaux défis à résoudre par la tractographie pour obtenir une description anatomique fiable de la matière blanche. Des approches méthodologiques innovantes sont nécessaires pour aider à résoudre ces questions. Les progrès récents en termes de puissance de calcul et de disponibilité des données ont rendu possible l'application réussie des approches modernes d'apprentissage automatique à une variété de problèmes, y compris les tâches de vision par ordinateur et d'analyse d'images. Ces méthodes modélisent et trouvent les motifs sous-jacents dans les données, et permettent de faire des prédictions sur de nouvelles données. De même, elles peuvent permettre d'obtenir des représentations compactes des caractéristiques intrinsèques des données d'intérêt. Les approches modernes basées sur les données, regroupées sous la famille des méthodes d'apprentissage profond, sont adoptées pour résoudre des tâches d'analyse de données d'imagerie médicale, y compris la tractographie. Dans ce contexte, les méthodes deviennent moins dépendantes des contraintes imposées par les approches classiques utilisées en tractographie. Par conséquent, les méthodes inspirées de l'apprentissage profond conviennent au changement de paradigme requis, et peuvent ouvrir de nouvelles possibilités de modélisation, en améliorant ainsi l'état de l'art en tractographie. Dans cette thèse, un nouveau paradigme basé sur les techniques d'apprentissage de représentation est proposé pour générer et analyser des données de tractographie. En exploitant les architectures d'autoencodeurs, ce travail tente d'explorer leur capacité à trouver un code optimal pour représenter les caractéristiques des fibres de la matière blanche. Les contributions proposées exploitent ces représentations pour une variété de tâches liées à la tractographie, y compris (i) le filtrage et (ii) le regroupement efficace sur les résultats générés par d'autres méthodes, ainsi que (iii) la reconstruction proprement dite des fibres de la matière blanche en utilisant une méthode générative. Ainsi, les méthodes issues de cette thèse ont été nommées (i) FINTA (Filtering in Tractography using Autoencoders), (ii) CINTA (Clustering in Tractography using Autoencoders), et (iii) GESTA (Generative Sampling in Bundle Tractography using Autoencoders), respectivement. Les performances des méthodes proposées sont évaluées par rapport aux méthodes de l'état de l'art sur des données de diffusion synthétiques et des données de cerveaux humains chez l'adulte sain in vivo. Les résultats montrent que (i) la méthode de filtrage proposée offre une sensibilité et spécificité supérieures par rapport à d'autres méthodes de l'état de l'art; (ii) le regroupement des tractes dans des faisceaux est fait de manière consistante; et (iii) l'approche générative échantillonnant des tractes comble mieux l'espace de la matière blanche dans des régions difficiles à reconstruire. Enfin, cette thèse révèle les possibilités des autoencodeurs pour l'analyse des données des fibres de la matière blanche, et ouvre la voie à fournir des données de tractographie plus fiables.Abstract : Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging is a non-invasive technique providing insights into the organizational microstructure of biological tissues. The computational methods that exploit the orientational preference of the diffusion in restricted structures to reveal the brain's white matter axonal pathways are called tractography. In recent years, a variety of tractography methods have been successfully used to uncover the brain's white matter architecture. Yet, these reconstruction techniques suffer from a number of shortcomings derived from fundamental ambiguities inherent to the orientation information. This has dramatic consequences, since current tractography-based white matter connectivity maps are dominated by false positive connections. Thus, the large proportion of invalid pathways recovered remains one of the main challenges to be solved by tractography to obtain a reliable anatomical description of the white matter. Methodological innovative approaches are required to help solving these questions. Recent advances in computational power and data availability have made it possible to successfully apply modern machine learning approaches to a variety of problems, including computer vision and image analysis tasks. These methods model and learn the underlying patterns in the data, and allow making accurate predictions on new data. Similarly, they may enable to obtain compact representations of the intrinsic features of the data of interest. Modern data-driven approaches, grouped under the family of deep learning methods, are being adopted to solve medical imaging data analysis tasks, including tractography. In this context, the proposed methods are less dependent on the constraints imposed by current tractography approaches. Hence, deep learning-inspired methods are suit for the required paradigm shift, may open new modeling possibilities, and thus improve the state of the art in tractography. In this thesis, a new paradigm based on representation learning techniques is proposed to generate and to analyze tractography data. By harnessing autoencoder architectures, this work explores their ability to find an optimal code to represent the features of the white matter fiber pathways. The contributions exploit such representations for a variety of tractography-related tasks, including efficient (i) filtering and (ii) clustering on results generated by other methods, and (iii) the white matter pathway reconstruction itself using a generative method. The methods issued from this thesis have been named (i) FINTA (Filtering in Tractography using Autoencoders), (ii) CINTA (Clustering in Tractography using Autoencoders), and (iii) GESTA (Generative Sampling in Bundle Tractography using Autoencoders), respectively. The proposed methods' performance is assessed against current state-of-the-art methods on synthetic data and healthy adult human brain in vivo data. Results show that the (i) introduced filtering method has superior sensitivity and specificity over other state-of-the-art methods; (ii) the clustering method groups streamlines into anatomically coherent bundles with a high degree of consistency; and (iii) the generative streamline sampling technique successfully improves the white matter coverage in hard-to-track bundles. In summary, this thesis unlocks the potential of deep autoencoder-based models for white matter data analysis, and paves the way towards delivering more reliable tractography data

    Analyse et reconstruction de faisceaux de la matière blanche

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    L'imagerie par résonance magnétique de diffusion (IRMd) est une modalité d'acquisition permettant de sonder les tissus biologiques et d'en extraire une variété d'informations sur le mouvement microscopique des molécules d'eau. Plus spécifiquement à l'imagerie médicale, l'IRMd permet l'investigation des structures fibreuses de nombreux organes et facilite la compréhension des processus cognitifs ou au diagnostic. Dans le domaine des neurosciences, l'IRMd est cruciale à l'exploration de la connectivité structurelle de la matière blanche. Cette thèse s'intéresse plus particulièrement à la reconstruction de faisceaux de la matière blanche ainsi qu'à leur analyse. Toute la complexité du traitement des données commençant au scanneur jusqu'à la création d'un tractogramme est extrêmement importante. Par contre, l'application spécifique de reconstruction des faisceaux anatomiques plausibles est ultimement le véritable défi de l'IRMd. L'optimisation des paramètres de la tractographie, le processus de segmentation manuelle ou automatique ainsi que l'interprétation des résultats liée à ces faisceaux sont toutes des étapes du processus avec leurs lots de difficultés

    Insights from the IronTract challenge: Optimal methods for mapping brain pathways from multi-shell diffusion MRI

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    Limitations in the accuracy of brain pathways reconstructed by diffusion MRI (dMRI) tractography have received considerable attention. While the technical advances spearheaded by the Human Connectome Project (HCP) led to significant improvements in dMRI data quality, it remains unclear how these data should be analyzed to maximize tractography accuracy. Over a period of two years, we have engaged the dMRI community in the IronTract Challenge, which aims to answer this question by leveraging a unique dataset. Macaque brains that have received both tracer injections and ex vivo dMRI at high spatial and angular resolution allow a comprehensive, quantitative assessment of tractography accuracy on state-of-the-art dMRI acquisition schemes. We find that, when analysis methods are carefully optimized, the HCP scheme can achieve similar accuracy as a more time-consuming, Cartesian-grid scheme. Importantly, we show that simple pre- and post-processing strategies can improve the accuracy and robustness of many tractography methods. Finally, we find that fiber configurations that go beyond crossing (e.g., fanning, branching) are the most challenging for tractography. The IronTract Challenge remains open and we hope that it can serve as a valuable validation tool for both users and developers of dMRI analysis methods