900 research outputs found

    Robust Face Recognition based on Color and Depth Information

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    One of the most important advantages of automatic human face recognition is its nonintrusiveness property. Face images can sometime be acquired without user's knowledge or explicit cooperation. However, face images acquired in an uncontrolled environment can appear with varying imaging conditions. Traditionally, researchers focus on tackling this problem using 2D gray-scale images due to the wide availability of 2D cameras and the low processing and storage cost of gray-scale data. Nevertheless, face recognition can not be performed reliably with 2D gray-scale data due to insu_cient information and its high sensitivity to pose, expression and illumination variations. Recent rapid development in hardware makes acquisition and processing of color and 3D data feasible. This thesis aims to improve face recognition accuracy and robustness using color and 3D information.In terms of color information usage, this thesis proposes several improvements over existing approaches. Firstly, the Block-wise Discriminant Color Space is proposed, which learns the discriminative color space based on local patches of a human face image instead of the holistic image, as human faces display different colors in different parts. Secondly, observing that most of the existing color spaces consist of at most three color components, while complementary information can be found in multiple color components across multiple color spaces and therefore the Multiple Color Fusion model is proposed to search and utilize multiple color components effectively. Lastly, two robust color face recognition algorithms are proposed. The Color Sparse Coding method can deal with face images with noise and occlusion. The Multi-linear Color Tensor Discriminant method harnesses multi-linear technique to handle non-linear data. Experiments show that all the proposed methods outperform their existing competitors.In terms of 3D information utilization, this thesis investigates the feasibility of face recognition using Kinect. Unlike traditional 3D scanners which are too slow in speed and too expensive in cost for broad face recognition applications, Kinect trades data quality for high speed and low cost. An algorithm is proposed to show that Kinect data can be used for face recognition despite its noisy nature. In order to fully utilize Kinect data, a more sophisticated RGB-D face recognition algorithm is developed which harnesses theColor Sparse Coding framework and 3D information to perform accurate face recognition robustly even under simultaneous varying conditions of poses, illuminations, expressionsand disguises

    Group Membership Prediction

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    The group membership prediction (GMP) problem involves predicting whether or not a collection of instances share a certain semantic property. For instance, in kinship verification given a collection of images, the goal is to predict whether or not they share a {\it familial} relationship. In this context we propose a novel probability model and introduce latent {\em view-specific} and {\em view-shared} random variables to jointly account for the view-specific appearance and cross-view similarities among data instances. Our model posits that data from each view is independent conditioned on the shared variables. This postulate leads to a parametric probability model that decomposes group membership likelihood into a tensor product of data-independent parameters and data-dependent factors. We propose learning the data-independent parameters in a discriminative way with bilinear classifiers, and test our prediction algorithm on challenging visual recognition tasks such as multi-camera person re-identification and kinship verification. On most benchmark datasets, our method can significantly outperform the current state-of-the-art.Comment: accepted for ICCV 201

    Efficient 3D Face Recognition with Gabor Patched Spectral Regression

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    In this paper, we utilize a novel framework for 3D face recognition, called 3D Gabor Patched Spectral Regression (3D GPSR), which can overcome some of the continuing challenges encountered with 2D or 3D facial images. In this active field, some obstacles, like expression variations, pose correction and data noise deteriorate the performance significantly. Our proposed system addresses these problems by first extracting the main facial area to remove irrelevant information corresponding to shoulders and necks. Pose correction is used to minimize the influence of large pose variations and then the normalized depth and gray images can be obtained. Due to better time-frequency characteristics and a distinctive biological background, the Gabor feature is extracted on depth images, known as 3D Gabor faces. Data noise is mainly caused by distorted meshes, varieties of subordinates and misalignment. To solve these problems, we introduce a Patched Spectral Regression strategy, which can make good use of the robustness and efficiency of accurate patched discriminant low-dimension features and minimize the effect of noise term. Computational analysis shows that spectral regression is much faster than the traditional approaches. Our experiments are based on the CASIA and FRGC 3D face databases which contain a huge number of challenging data. Experimental results show that our framework consistently outperforms the other existing methods with the distinctive characteristics of efficiency, robustness and generality

    Coupled Deep Learning for Heterogeneous Face Recognition

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    Heterogeneous face matching is a challenge issue in face recognition due to large domain difference as well as insufficient pairwise images in different modalities during training. This paper proposes a coupled deep learning (CDL) approach for the heterogeneous face matching. CDL seeks a shared feature space in which the heterogeneous face matching problem can be approximately treated as a homogeneous face matching problem. The objective function of CDL mainly includes two parts. The first part contains a trace norm and a block-diagonal prior as relevance constraints, which not only make unpaired images from multiple modalities be clustered and correlated, but also regularize the parameters to alleviate overfitting. An approximate variational formulation is introduced to deal with the difficulties of optimizing low-rank constraint directly. The second part contains a cross modal ranking among triplet domain specific images to maximize the margin for different identities and increase data for a small amount of training samples. Besides, an alternating minimization method is employed to iteratively update the parameters of CDL. Experimental results show that CDL achieves better performance on the challenging CASIA NIR-VIS 2.0 face recognition database, the IIIT-D Sketch database, the CUHK Face Sketch (CUFS), and the CUHK Face Sketch FERET (CUFSF), which significantly outperforms state-of-the-art heterogeneous face recognition methods.Comment: AAAI 201

    Extrinsic Methods for Coding and Dictionary Learning on Grassmann Manifolds

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    Sparsity-based representations have recently led to notable results in various visual recognition tasks. In a separate line of research, Riemannian manifolds have been shown useful for dealing with features and models that do not lie in Euclidean spaces. With the aim of building a bridge between the two realms, we address the problem of sparse coding and dictionary learning over the space of linear subspaces, which form Riemannian structures known as Grassmann manifolds. To this end, we propose to embed Grassmann manifolds into the space of symmetric matrices by an isometric mapping. This in turn enables us to extend two sparse coding schemes to Grassmann manifolds. Furthermore, we propose closed-form solutions for learning a Grassmann dictionary, atom by atom. Lastly, to handle non-linearity in data, we extend the proposed Grassmann sparse coding and dictionary learning algorithms through embedding into Hilbert spaces. Experiments on several classification tasks (gender recognition, gesture classification, scene analysis, face recognition, action recognition and dynamic texture classification) show that the proposed approaches achieve considerable improvements in discrimination accuracy, in comparison to state-of-the-art methods such as kernelized Affine Hull Method and graph-embedding Grassmann discriminant analysis.Comment: Appearing in International Journal of Computer Visio
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