3 research outputs found

    Sparse Representation Based Multi-Instance Learning for Breast Ultrasound Image Classification

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    We propose a novel method based on sparse representation for breast ultrasound image classification under the framework of multi-instance learning (MIL). After image enhancement and segmentation, concentric circle is used to extract the global and local features for improving the accuracy in diagnosis and prediction. The classification problem of ultrasound image is converted to sparse representation based MIL problem. Each instance of a bag is represented as a sparse linear combination of all basis vectors in the dictionary, and then the bag is represented by one feature vector which is obtained via sparse representations of all instances within the bag. The sparse and MIL problem is further converted to a conventional learning problem that is solved by relevance vector machine (RVM). Results of single classifiers are combined to be used for classification. Experimental results on the breast cancer datasets demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method in terms of classification accuracy as compared with state-of-the-art MIL methods


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    Meningkatnya kebutuhan daging sapi, berdampak pada harga daging sapi. Harga daging sapi yang terus menerus mengalami kenaikan, tentunya menyebabkan penurunan penjualan daging sapi. Untuk mengantisipasi hal tersebut, maka beberapa pedagang mencampurkan daging sapi dengan daging babi. Dipilihnya daging babi, karena harga daging babi lebih murah dan warna serta tekstur daging babi yang mirip dengan daging sapi. Secara kasat mata daging sapi dan daging babi sulit untuk dibedakan bagi orang awam. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya sistem yang dapat membedakan kedua daging. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode klasifikasi untuk membedakan kedua daging. Metode klasifikasi menggunakan algoritma Learning Vector Quantization. Dan penelitian ini memiliki tiga tahapan utama seperti preprocessing, segmentasi warna, ekstraksi fitur, dan klasifikasi. Preprocessing digunakan untuk mendapatkan Region of Interest (ROI) dengan memotong citra dan mengubah ukuran citra. Segmentasi warna menggunakan metode HSV untuk mendapatkan kedalaman warna citra dan ekstraksi fitur mengguakan Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) untuk mendapatkan fitur dari kontras, korelasi, energi, dan homogenitas. Hasil klasifikasi dengan algoritma LVQ mendapatkan akurasi tertinggi 76,25%. Algoritma telah diuji dengan MSE untuk mengetahui minimum error dan PSNR digunakan sebagai pengukuran kualitas citra pengolahan

    Convolutional Neural Network Deep Learning Model for Improved Ultrasound Breast Tumor Classification

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    Breast cancer is one of the greatest frequent tumours among females in Iraq. Medical ultrasound imaging has become a common modality for breast tumour imaging because of its ease of use, low cost, and safety. In the present study, Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) feature extraction approaches were used to classify breast ultrasound imaging. The CNN model used is composed of four-layer for breast cancer ultrasound image analysis. Two types of free datasets were used. These data were divided into groups A and B. Group A has three classes, namely benign, malignant and normal, while group B has two classes, namely, benign and malignant. The proposed technique was assessed based on its accuracy, precision, F1 score and recall. The model's classification accuracy for data A was 96%, whereas for data B was 100%