8 research outputs found

    Adaptive Algorithm for Sparse Signal Recovery

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    Spike and slab priors play a key role in inducing sparsity for sparse signal recovery. The use of such priors results in hard non-convex and mixed integer programming problems. Most of the existing algorithms to solve the optimization problems involve either simplifying assumptions, relaxations or high computational expenses. We propose a new adaptive alternating direction method of multipliers (AADMM) algorithm to directly solve the presented optimization problem. The algorithm is based on the one-to-one mapping property of the support and non-zero element of the signal. At each step of the algorithm, we update the support by either adding an index to it or removing an index from it and use the alternating direction method of multipliers to recover the signal corresponding to the updated support. Experiments on synthetic data and real-world images show that the proposed AADMM algorithm provides superior performance and is computationally cheaper, compared to the recently developed iterative convex refinement (ICR) algorithm


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    Sparse Coding from a Bayesian Perspective

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    Sparse coding is a promising theme in computer vision. Most of the existing sparse coding methods are based on either l(0) or l(1) penalty, which often leads to unstable solution or biased estimation. This is because of the nonconvexity and discontinuity of the l(0) penalty and the over-penalization on the true large coefficients of the l(1) penalty. In this paper, sparse coding is interpreted from a novel Bayesian perspective, which results in a new objective function through maximum a posteriori estimation. The obtained solution of the objective function can generate more stable results than the l(0) penalty and smaller reconstruction errors than the l(1) penalty. In addition, the convergence property of the proposed algorithm for sparse coding is also established. The experiments on applications in single image super-resolution and visual tracking demonstrate that the proposed method is more effective than other state-of-the-art methods

    Sparse Coding From a Bayesian Perspective

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