2 research outputs found

    Graph-based Semi-supervised Learning: Algorithms and Applications.

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    114 p.Graph-based semi-supervised learning have attracted large numbers of researchers and it is an important part of semi-supervised learning. Graph construction and semi-supervised embedding are two main steps in graph-based semi-supervised learning algorithms. In this thesis, we proposed two graph construction algorithms and two semi-supervised embedding algorithms. The main work of this thesis is summarized as follows:1. A new graph construction algorithm named Graph construction based on self-representativeness and Laplacian smoothness (SRLS) and several variants are proposed. Researches show that the coefficients obtained by data representation algorithms reflect the similarity between data samples and can be considered as a measurement of the similarity. This kind of measurement can be used for the weights of the edges between data samples in graph construction. Each column of the coefficient matrix obtained by data self-representation algorithms can be regarded as a new representation of original data. The new representations should have common features as the original data samples. Thus, if two data samples are close to each other in the original space, the corresponding representations should be highly similar. This constraint is called Laplacian smoothness.SRLS graph is based on l2-norm minimized data self-representation and Laplacian smoothness. Since the representation matrix obtained by l2 minimization is dense, a two phrase SRLS method (TPSRLS) is proposed to increase the sparsity of graph matrix. By extending the linear space to Hilbert space, two kernelized versions of SRLS are proposed. Besides, a direct solution to kernelized SRLS algorithm is also introduced.2. A new sparse graph construction algorithm named Sparse graph with Laplacian smoothness (SGLS) and several variants are proposed. SGLS graph algorithm is based on sparse representation and use Laplacian smoothness as a constraint (SGLS). A kernelized version of the SGLS algorithm and a direct solution to kernelized SGLS algorithm are also proposed. 3. SPP is a successful unsupervised learning method. To extend SPP to a semi-supervised embedding method, we introduce the idea of in-class constraints in CGE into SPP and propose a new semi-supervised method for data embedding named Constrained Sparsity Preserving Embedding (CSPE).4. The weakness of CSPE is that it cannot handle the new coming samples which means a cascade regression should be performed after the non-linear mapping is obtained by CSPE over the whole training samples. Inspired by FME, we add a regression term in the objective function to obtain an approximate linear projection simultaneously when non-linear embedding is estimated and proposed Flexible Constrained Sparsity Preserving Embedding (FCSPE).Extensive experiments on several datasets (including facial images, handwriting digits images and objects images) prove that the proposed algorithms can improve the state-of-the-art results

    Sparse Alignment for Robust Tensor Learning

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